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We can register some lists without surprises and with candidates related to Churches

Madrid, Mar 26 (EFE) .- The United Podemos coalition has registered its lists for the elections of April 28 in which they have not incorporated signings – beyond Judge Victoria Rosell – and in which the candidate, Pablo Iglesias will be surrounded by his closest collaborators.

The lists will be headed by Málaga and Álava, respectively, the leaders of Izquierda Unida -Alberto Garzón- and Equo -Juantxo López de Uralde-, the main partners of Podemos in this electoral call in which Pablo Iglesias loses his confluences in Valencia and Galicia.

United We Can, which has announced its candidacies this Tuesday, has not included last-minute applicants.

Broadly speaking, the design of the list maintains the result of the primaries that the purple formation held in December last year, to which the names proposed by its partners have been added.

In addition to the federal coordinator, Alberto Garzón, and number two for Malaga, Eva García, IU has placed number 3 in the starting positions for Madrid – the leader of the Communist Party of Spain (PCE), Enrique Santiago – and two for Valencia to be occupied by Roser Maestro, also from the PCE.

IU also aspires to revalidate his position in Congress Miguel Bustamante, which is number 3 in Seville and has been a deputy in this legislature. In the Congress, the unionist Diego Cañamero, who was deputy for Jaén, will not be on this occasion.

As for Podemos, Pablo Iglesias will be included in the list of his main collaborators: for Madrid, number two will be the spokesperson for Unidos Podemos, Irene Montero; of four -after Enrique Santiago- the fourth vice-president of the Congress in the previous legislature, Gloria Elizo, and in the fifth position the also deputy Rafael Mayoral.

Isabel Serra, candidate for the formation of the Presidency of the Community of Madrid, falls off the list for Madrid, and in her place several positions rise Mercedes Pérez Merino, who will go number 6.

As for the Senate, Noelia Bail, Joan Comorera and Vanessa Maxé appear in Barcelona; for Madrid, Ana Martínez de Arenaza, María Carmen Barrios Corredera and José Blanco; for Valencia, Susana Ruiz Vives, Ester Roca Laborda and Luis Escobar, and for Seville, Ismael Sánchez, Asunción Cid and Mª Ángeles Ramírez.

In Navarra, the joint candidacy for the Senate “Cambio-Aldaketa” has been established with Geroa Bai, EH Bildu and Izquierda-Ezkerra, with Ricardo Feliu Martínez, Arturo Goldaracena and Ana Luján as candidates.

Regarding the Congress of Deputies, these are the names of the head of the list for each of the provinces:



– Almería: Raquel Martínez Aguilera.

– Cádiz: Noelia Vera. Secretary of Participation and co-spokesperson for Podemos, as well as a deputy. Next on the list is the civil guard Juan Antonio Delgado, also a deputy for Cádiz.

– Córdoba: Martina Velarde, lawyer.

– Granada: Pedro Antonio Honrubia Hurtado, citizen councilor for Podemos.

– Huelva: Alejandro García Orta, student activist.

– Jaén: Francisco Javier Sánchez del Pino, Professor.

– Malaga: Alberto Garzón, federal coordinator of IU. The second position will go to Eva Sempere, also from IU.

– Seville: María Márquez Guerrero, teacher. It is followed by the deputy in the XII legislature Isabel Franco.



– Huesca: Daniel Fernández Domínguez.

– Teruel: Blanca Villarroya Rodilla, Teruel Existe activist and psychologist.

– Zaragoza: Pablo Echenique, secretary of the Organization of Podemos.



Sofía Fernández Castañón, deputy and Secretary of Intersectional Feminisms and LGTBI of Podemos. He is followed by Juan Antonio González Ponte, from IU.



Las Palmas: The ‘signing’ of judge Victoria Rosell, number one for Las Palmas, leaves in the second position the deputy María Pita, Secretary of Plurinationality and Territorial Diversity of Podemos.

Tenerife: Alberto Rodríguez Rodríguez, deputy in the 12th legislature and former industrial worker.



Luis del Piñal, councilor in Santa Cruz de Bezana.



Ávila: Carlos Javier Martín, public employee.

Burgos: María Dolores Martín-Albo Montes, labor inspector and city councilor for Castilla y León.

León: Ana Marcello Santos, deputy in the 12th legislature and former social worker.

Palencia: Juan Gascón Sorribas (IU)

Salamanca: Isabel Muñoz, retired.

Segovia: José Luis Ordóñez Fernández (IU)

Soria: Juan Carlos García Hernández, monitor and cook.

Valladolid: Juanma Del Olmo, deputy in the 12th legislature and secretary of Communication for Podemos.

Zamora: Alejandro Rodríguez Pérez, Renault worker.



Albacete: Francisco Casamayor, Assistant Secretary of Organization for Podemos.

Ciudad Real: Jorge Uxó González, professor at the University of Castilla La Mancha. There has been a change from the Podemos primary, which was won by nursing assistant Montserrat Chacón.

Cuenca: Fernando Garrote.

Guadalajara: Julián Atienza.

Toledo: María Teresa Arévalo, deputy of the XII legislature.



Unidas Podemos is presented at the confluence “En Comú-Podem”, with Catalunya en Comú, the formation of Ada Colau.

Barcelona: Jaume Asens (Catalunya en Comú), lawyer and activist, will be number one, followed by Aina Vidal (Catalunya en Comú), Mar García Puig (Podemos), Gerardo Pisarello (Catalunya en Comú) and Joan Mena (Catalunya en Comú) ). Senator Óscar Guardingo, who won the Podemos primary, gave up going on the list after being relegated to 11th place.

Girona: Joan Luengo, Natividad Sánchez Arjona.

Lleida: Jaume Moya, Maria Corrales.

Tarragona: Ismael Cortes, Carolina Burgos.



The candidate for the Presidency of the Government, Pablo Iglesias, is followed by the spokesperson for Unidos Podemos, Irene Montero; Enrique Santiago (IU), the fourth vice president of Congress, Gloria Elizo (4), and also deputy Rafael Mayoral (5).



Alicante: Jose María Guijarro, deputy in the XII legislature and Secretary General of the Confederal Parliamentary Group in Congress.

Castellón: María Luisa Saavedra, social worker and activist

Valencia: Héctor Illueca, professor of law and advisor to the parliamentary group of Unidos Podemos. Roser Maestro (IU) will be number two. Deputy Angela Ballester falls to position number 12.



Álava: Equo leader Juantxo López de Uralde will head the list, just as it happened in the 2016 elections.

Bizkaia: Roberto Uriarte Torrealday, professor of Constitutional Law at the University of the Basque Country. Senator Miren Edurne Gorrochategui follows as number two.

Gipuzkoa: Pilar Garrido Gutierrez, senator.



Badajoz: Amparo Botejara Sanz, deputy in the previous legislature and doctor.

Cáceres: Álvaro Jaén Barbado, deputy in the Assembly of Extremadura.



In Galicia, Podemos has not been able to reissue the pact that in 2016 led it to appear with “En Marea”, and this time it will confront Luís Villares’s party at the polls with the “En Común Unidas Podemos” list. Anova, the formation of the historic Xosé Manuel Beiras, who does not participate in the generals, does not join either.

A Coruña: Antón Gómez-Reino Varela.

Lugo: Vanessa Somoza Domínguez.

Ourense: Ledicia Piñeiro Prada, councilor in Ourense.

Pontevedra: Yolanda Díaz, followed by Ángela Rodríguez, also a deputy in the 12th legislature.



Balearic Islands: Antonia Jover, interventor in hospitality.



Edith Pérez, doctor.



Ione Belarra, deputy spokesman for the confederal group in Congress, followed by ‘councilor’ Guillen Carroza as ‘two’.



Javier Sánchez Serna, state citizen counselor and deputy of the XII legislature.



Sara Abdeselam Ahmed



Carolina Aguilar gem.


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