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“We can go up to 1,000 injections per day”

Converging forces

The vaccination center established at the Municipal Theater is showing significant responsiveness. Every day, new health professionals raise their fingers to help. Each week, new municipalities decide to strengthen a system that has had time to prove itself. In mid-April, Clémence Pouget, mayor of Yutz, validated this principle rather than playing a personal card off the cuff. Recently, Terville and Fontoy have done the same. Result: the 4 vaccination lines are running at a sustained rate. Obviously, this is only a step.

Objective: 1,000 injections per day

Indeed, in view of this well-established organization and the reserve of medical and paramedical professionals available (more than 200), “we are able to increase the number of vaccinations. To date, we are above 500 injections per day but we are able to perform 1,000. In any case, that is the request that we have formulated. Moselle will be provided with 25,000 additional weekly doses from the first week of May. We intend to benefit from a part ”, unrolls the delegated health adviser, Jean-Christophe Hamelin-Boyer.

Valuable preparers

Mobilizing new health professionals will not be a problem. “Currently, we have to limit the number of shifts as we have so many requests. This is the positive side of this crisis, everyone wants to make their contribution to the building, ”notes Jean-Christophe Hamelin-Boyer. Among the ingredients of this flawless organization, the team of dose preparers is essential. Composed of four people and a pharmacist, it facilitates the work of nurses and brings fluidity.

Update on AstraZeneca

To date, 10,000 people have received a first injection and 9,000 have already received the second. The vaccination is done with Pfizer BioNtech but this has not always been the case. When the center opened, the AstraZeneca vaccine was in use: 1,275 people received it, including 207 under the age of 55. None of them presented a problem.

Today remains a course to be completed. Two scenarios: those under 55 must opt ​​for a second injection with Pfizer (appointment via Doctolib); those over 55 should turn to their general practitioner, a private nurse or a pharmacist. In the event that these same people refuse a second dose of AstraZeneca, then the course must be started from the beginning.

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