Home » today » News » We break the dull meter. Scary data for 2/3 of Bulgarians – 2024-08-25 15:03:10

We break the dull meter. Scary data for 2/3 of Bulgarians – 2024-08-25 15:03:10

We break the dull meter. Approximately 2/3 of Bulgarians over the age of 16 have not read a single book in the last year. The alarming data are from Eurostat.

The latest PISA survey for 2022 shows that about half of high school students are functionally illiterate in reading, i.e. they do not understand complex sentences and long texts, even if they formally know the alphabet. This means that half of the Bulgarians leaving the education system do not have the ability to read books. At the same time, older generations stand out with even more non-readers than average levels.

Publishers in our country, however, do not agree with the black statistics, they claim that, on the contrary, Bulgarians are reading more and more.

“Of course, Bulgarians read. We are not isolated. We read more and more and this is a global trend, to our delight. And what do we read in the summer? More genre books”, comments the publisher and lecturer at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski” ” Ch. assistant Dr. Victoria Biserova in front of Bgonair.

Judging by the statistics on books published in Bulgaria, the number of titles that readers can choose from is increasing. There is an increase in the publication of popular science and fiction.

And despite digitization and various reading alternatives, the paper book has a place in the modern world. And trends can change, as cognitive reading comprehension skills develop.

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