Home » today » Technology » We asked Reto Grob, Head of augment IT by Netcetera AG | Mixed reality in action

We asked Reto Grob, Head of augment IT by Netcetera AG | Mixed reality in action

Reto Grob is Head of increased, a Swiss software company that has become a Microsoft partner Netcetera heard. The company specializes in the development of augmented and mixed reality applications for a wide variety of devices. With the software solution Inspect AR It optimizes the production as well as the maintenance and repair processes of its customers and supports employees with the training with the help of a mixed reality environment. For the electrical wholesaler Rexel Germany, it is developing a mixed reality solution that enables employees, among other things, to carry out safety checks for fire protection even more efficiently.

Reto, how do you rate the potential of mixed reality technologies in companies?

Reto Grob: Mixed Reality brings digitization primarily to places and employees who have hardly ever come into contact with IT. Because around 80 percent of the workforce is worldwide still working without digital aids. Even if only part of it comes into contact with mixed reality, the potential for improving processes and creating real added value for companies is huge.

In addition, the technology also offers extreme advantages for industries that are already IT-savvy – for example as a future user interface. This can be digitally expanded wherever a user interacts with a physical object. An example: with mixed reality it has become much easier to control a robot – up to now only specialists could program this. Users simply point their hand at a point where a robot should move. The robot can be instructed very easily. This is possible because the coordinate systems are aligned.

In your experience, which industries can particularly benefit from mixed reality technologies, for example with a combination of Inspect AR and Microsoft HoloLens 2?

Reto Grob: The manufacturing industry, transport, chemical and life science companies are constantly faced with new challenges – many processes are not digitized and often not explicitly documented. There is a lot of knowledge in an aging workforce. Simple lists, whether on paper or as PDF, are usually limited and very static. This makes it difficult for companies to maintain the knowledge or to pass it on to new employees – while the complexity of the processes and the demands on employees are constantly increasing.

With Inspect AR and Microsoft HoloLens 2, this knowledge can be recorded quickly and without great effort and made available in the next step. This enables them to work like experts. In addition, the work steps are logged and made evaluable – which in turn allows new knowledge to be gained from the work reports. This feedback was often not carried out because the effort had previously been too great.

A key point is the change from static instructions to dynamic content – the instructions are enriched with images, videos, links to documents or IoT data and the location in the room. The instructions should also develop iteratively – every finding during operation can be mapped immediately in a new version of the instructions and switched live. In this way, the knowledge of the entire workforce is made available and continuously updated.

Mixed reality can be experienced with different end devices. What is the particular advantage of using Microsoft HoloLens 2?

Reto Grob: Microsoft HoloLens 2 is clearly the device of choice for use in a company environment and for the merging of reality with digital content in the room. The headset fits well, is very easy to use and amazes with its capabilities.

What stands out: the stable tracking of the holograms, the hand and gesture control as well as the new possibilities with Iris Sign-On and Eye Tracking. Microsoft also offers the most advanced development platform, including the Mixed-Reality-Toolkit and Azure Mixed Reality Services like Azure Spatial Anchors or Azure Object Anchors.

HoloLens in the factory

What is often forgotten, but is increasingly important for productive use: Microsoft HoloLens 2 offers all the functions necessary to use the applications securely in the company environment – be it with the secure integration into the company network, monitoring and provision of the applications via mobile Device Management or protecting and managing access with Active Directory.

A Microsoft survey has shown that for some company decision-makers, the investment costs when implementing mixed reality solutions are a reason not to use them. Others say that the application possibilities are still too unclear to them. How do you convince these decision-makers?

Reto Grob: I see the best option in specifically identifying the added value when using mixed reality and comparing it quantitatively with the investment costs in a return on investment calculation (ROI).

One example is the use case of remote support with the use of Dynamics 365 Remote Assist. The costs of hardware and software are compared to the costs of a flight to another location – including working hours and expenses. In a short time you can see that it’s worth it.

For scenarios where an ROI calculation is not yet possible, I recommend carrying out a proof of concept or pilot project with an experienced Microsoft Mixed Reality partner in order to validate and evaluate the potential added value. Most of the time, the devices can be borrowed. In this way, you can relatively quickly identify the use cases that show the most potential without a large investment. Dealing with the new technology can also be a source of inspiration for further innovations, for example for new service models or for recruiting employees. These are also qualitative advantages, for example to appear as an attractive employer. When training courses are carried out with Microsoft HoloLens 2, the company appears modern and attractive on the job market.

From your experience: How well do your customers and their employees get along with the first contact with Microsoft HoloLens? How fast do you get used to and familiarize yourself with?

Reto Grob: My experience so far shows that customers find their way around surprisingly quickly and are often very motivated to get to know the new possibilities hands-on. The essential aspects are briefly explained in on-site workshops, and then you can often deal with them independently. For customers with a digital affinity, we have even carried out training remotely. The essential things are explained by means of Microsoft Teams – we accompany the customers, regularly ask where they stand, and answer other questions quickly and briefly via chat or in follow-up calls.

In any case, it is important to ensure that the fitting, eye calibration, control and other settings are carried out well so that users get the correct and best possible experience.

Thank you for the interview, Reto!

Further interviews from our “Inquired” series as well as further application examples and information on the use of mixed reality technology and Microsoft HoloLens 2 in the working world can be found in our press kit.

A contribution by Bump Kubach
Trainee Business Communications Digital Qualification & Innovation / Data Applications & Infrastructure

Black and white photo by the author.  It shows a young smiling man in a white shirt

Tags: Digitization in SMEs, HoloLens 2, Mixed Reality, Netcetera

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