/ world today news/ Bulgaria is in 134th place out of 158 possible in the world happiness ranking.
Our country is in the same company as Egypt, Yemen, several other poor African and Asian countries. Ahead of us are all the countries of South-Eastern Europe, even torn apart by the religious war, Iraq is far ahead of us – 112th place.
The ranking is based on a Gallup poll conducted in 2012-2014. “World Happiness Report”-2015 (World Happiness Report) is the third ranking in a row. Switzerland is first, followed by Iceland, Denmark, Norway and Canada. Finland, the Netherlands, Sweden, New Zealand and Australia also enter the top ten. In fact, small and medium-sized countries from Western Europe occupy 7 of the top 10 places.
The US is 15th, behind Israel and Mexico. Great Britain is 21st, followed by Belgium and the UAE. Germany is 26th and France 29th.
The main criteria for cassation were gross domestic product per capita, life expectancy, freedom of life choices, lack of corruption and generosity. /AFP
Washington / USA
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