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“We are required to implement austerity measures in our children’s education.”

“In the peak period before carnival, we had eight sick teachers. And you can’t really absorb that anymore,” says Markus Rewitzer, describing the situation at his school. The head of the specialist group school management in the BLLV Oberbayern reports in the Bavarian televisionhow difficult it is to compensate for the absence of teachers. “The only thing left to do is to somehow scrape everything together.”

The teaching profession must become more attractive, especially in the middle school sector, Rewitzer demands. The current situation is not sustainable. “We have to accept, whether we like it or not, that we have to make cutbacks in the education of our children. Anything else would be a lie.”

BLLV figures confirm the enormous shortage of teachers

In the article, the Bavarian Minister of Education, Michael Piazolo, reassured: “There has always been a loss of one hour. Nevertheless, what we also have to say clearly: Providing teachers and teaching is a challenge every year. We always calculate this beforehand. And our goal is – and we managed to do that again this year – to fill the positions that we have.”

The article doubts whether that is enough and whether it is true at all. As a counter-argument, the numbers of the Bavarian Teachers’ Association are mentioned. A representative study commissioned by BLLV and VBE recently confirmed the enormous shortage of teachers. In Bavaria, ten percent of the positions could not be filled.

BLLV President: “We have long been in the middle of an educational catastrophe”

“We are not heading for an educational crisis, we have long been in the middle of an educational catastrophe. It’s not just the strong decline in the skills of the students that causes us great concern. The quality of education as a whole is suffering greatly, educational injustice is increasing and the future of the children is therefore a major concern for us,” says BLLV President Simone Fleischmann, classifying the results of the current study. “More and more teachers are reaching their limits. Side entrants can of course be of help in the current emergency situation. However, we must not lose sight of what is really needed: for the individual support of the pupils, not only more staff is needed. What we need in the long term are professionally trained teachers and multi-professional teams who can support the students pedagogically and professionally.”

>> BR magazine more/worth: Teacher shortage in Bavaria – are we heading for an educational catastrophe?

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