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We are not Canadians, and we never will be

1is July. As usual, Canada celebrates itself lavishly, while Quebeckers do not care.

Canada will still seek to convince itself that it embodies the hope of a better world, almost an ideal country, on a global scale. It must be said that federal communication has means! But Quebeckers know that this reputation is fraudulent, and rests on the propaganda work of the federal government, which, for several decades, has sought to pass Canada off as the best country in the world.

The idea was first to convince Quebecers when the sovereignist movement was growing, but Canada has come to convince itself. He lets himself be bluffed by his own lies and is then surprised that some people do not believe it. However, it is necessary to repeat why this country is not ours and never will be. Because Quebecers are not Canadians, and Quebec’s vocation is to proclaim its independence. Even if, on the surface, Canadian propaganda scores points in Quebec, in depth, Quebecers do not doubt that they are a people and they identify naturally with their national state, as we have seen in recent months . For Quebecers, Canada is a foreign country.

Canada, fundamentally, has always been hostile to the French Canadian people, and today to the Quebec people. In each English province, he sought to erase the French populations, and succeeded – he gives himself a good conscience today by going in defense of residual French-speaking minorities, which are in the process of rapid assimilation, even if they don’t like to be reminded. It also systematically refused to recognize the Quebec people in its constitution – in Canada, Quebec is only one in ten provinces and one cultural community among others.

Furthermore, through its state multiculturalism, it has institutionalized a vision of the federation which assimilates any national affirmation of Quebec to a form of ethnic supremacism. Today, insults are common: Quebecers who refuse to allow themselves to be dissolved in Canadian multiculturalism, who do not accept the drowning of populations by massive immigration and who do not rally to the theory of systemic racism are accuse white supremacism or racism, as we saw very recently in the Ottawa parliament. Behind its democratic appearances, Canada is tipping into ideological authoritarianism and the government of judges.

There is no future for Quebec in Canada – the people of Quebec, from one generation to the next, denationalize and depersonalize themselves there. Our elites are mentally colonized there: they have understood that the best way to promote themselves socially in the federal system is to turn against their people and join the club of sermonists who never cease to feel guilty as soon as they have a collective survival reflex. Canada makes national disloyalty an accelerator of social advancement, whether in the university, in the media, in the federal public service or in private enterprise. In fact, if there can be Quebec individuals in Canada, the Quebec people, as a collective reality, is doomed to disappear or to develop there always below their capabilities, simply because the regime is not structured according to his interests – he is even structured against them.

You could say that Canada condemns the Quebec people to existential precariousness. Just think of the French question to be convinced. With the Quiet Revolution, Quebec wanted to francize its collective life. This project materialized through Bill 101 and transformed Quebec for the better as long as it seemed to be moving towards independence. But this law is only a shadow of itself. In 2020, the French lost power in Montreal. He simply claims that it be accommodated, by being content with second place, while the young French-speaking generation is becoming anglicized at high speed. In the Canadian context, our anglicization is programmed. One could even say that the Canadian regime breaks Quebec in two by separating Montreal from the rest of the territory.

But we have to come back to it: deep down, we know that we are not Canadians. This great artificial country has been transformed in a few decades into an immense laboratory dedicated to pushing as far as possible a large-scale ideological experiment, under the sign of an increasingly authoritarian “political correctness”. Canada has torn away from its history to re-form itself in the manner of a diversified utopia. And it must be said again: behind the official recognition of all “minorities” by the Canadian regime, we find the deliberate and systematic demonization of the Quebec people, whose simple existence is scandalous to it.

Canada is founded on the political and historical censorship of the people of Quebec. In front of this, Quebeckers must simply stand up, resist, persevere in their being, give in nothing, never back down and carry out the policy they deem consistent with their fundamental interests and with the survival and assertion of their identity. They must also keep this vital conviction in their hearts: history takes its time, it also takes winding detours, which are often regressions, but one day we will have our country. Independence tomorrow! We must repeat this formula even in difficult times, knowing deep down that our history leads us one day to become masters at home.

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