Home » today » Entertainment » “We are Bischofsgrün” – new video is supposed to demonstrate solidarity

“We are Bischofsgrün” – new video is supposed to demonstrate solidarity

“Due to the falling incidence values ​​in the Bayreuth district and in our neighboring districts, we now want to get started with our video ‘We are Bischofsgrün’,” said the team from the Bischofsgrün spa and tourist information office. “Of course, we still can’t do that with large groups and crowds, because we still have to and want to adhere to certain hygiene requirements and rules.”

“We will be out and about with our filmmaker in Bischofsgrün on Saturday, June 5th from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. The video should be created and edited in a highly professional manner and uploaded to many Internet platforms. Anyone who wants to can take part and are interested (individuals or small groups, clubs, businesses, etc.) We would be very pleased if you were actively involved. “

“The video is supposed to show how we stick together, how we defy Corona and how we look forward to a new normal. Bischofsgrün cannot be beaten,” says the health resort and tourist information office in Bischofsgrün.

“The idea for the video comes from Stephanie Schreiner from the Kaiseralm and Vanessa Böttger from the Waldrasthaus Karches. The Kur- und Tourist-Information naturally supports this excellent idea and would like to refer to our touristic service providers and our associations and volunteers. Without you, Bischofsgrün would not be the Bischofsgrün that we know and love, “it continues.

“If you want to be there on June 5th, please contact us at the TI under the telephone number 09276/1292 or 015141217877. Or write an email to [email protected]. Of course you can also spontaneously at Join the video! “

“By the way, the” village rockers “provide us with a song for the video free of charge. That is also a great thing.”

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