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We are acting to achieve peace in Chiapas, says AMLO in La Concordia

Concordia, Chis. President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and his next successor, Claudia Sheinbaum, inaugurated yesterday in Chiapas a historic cable-stayed bridge in this area of ​​La Frailesca, near the border with Guatemala

The president’s allusion to the turbulent situation in the region caused by the confrontation between two organized crime cartels was inevitable. We must uphold the name of the municipality, La Concordia; we must follow the path of justice for peace. I am not talking about deaths or displacements.he stressed.

It was a message between those who understand the complex situation that La Frailesca and all the communities near the border are going through. I am always keeping an eye on La Concordia. I don’t like what has been happening lately; we are already intervening to transform it along the path of concord.he said during an event that was under the surveillance of elements of the Army.

In front of a community that expressed its sadness at the imminent end of his mandate, López Obrador added: We have to seek unity among our people. Older people, we have to talk a lot with young people, so that our families do not disintegrate.

Photo Facebook Eduardo Ramirez

The Secretary of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation, Jorge Nuño, explained the impact of the 700-meter cable-stayed bridge, the largest in Chiapas, which with an investment of 1,182 million pesos will substantially impact a conglomerate of towns with 300 thousand inhabitants on both sides of the Usumacinta River.

He stressed that this bridge will connect Tuxtla Gutiérrez with the Guatemalan border, encouraging economic and commercial activity. He was confident that the drastic reduction in crossing time – from one hour by boat to two minutes by road – will alleviate social marginalization and poverty in the communities.

Regarding this inauguration, Sheinbaum highlighted the Mexican humanism of López Obrador, compared to the criteria that governed in the past. “So,” she explained, “the works that a government did depended on how much it cost and how many people it benefited. If it was a remote place, then the work was not done. If it was a place with poverty, neither, because it turns out that it may not benefit people who lived in a rural area.

If this had been the case, the works of social justice for the indigenous peoples, such as the Yaqui People’s Justice Plan in the north of the country, would not have been carried out.the virtual president-elect stressed.

López Obrador returned the praise for his future successor by highlighting her academic career and political experience, and celebrated that her upcoming arrival to the Presidency will be a milestone in national history.

Photo Facebook Eduardo Ramirez

“Look at the special, extraordinary, exceptional situation we are living in, and we are living to tell about it. She will be the first female president of Mexico. And some people don’t like it, no, because there is still machismo. Yes or no? So, you know what? Even if some people don’t like it, machines, Women are more responsible, more hard-working, more honest than men. And those who aren’t, should go to Palenque, Chiapas.”

The president opened the space in his speech to highlight that four of the constitutional reforms promoted by his movement have begun to be decided in the Chamber of Deputies. “The first four reforms to the Constitution have already been approved in the Constitutional Affairs Committee: one to continue the Youth Building the Future program; another, to correct the pension system that affected workers; it was also approved that a good housing program will be implemented, which is a proposal of the president-elect for young people; there will be a possibility that they can expand, improve or build their houses.

#acting #achieve #peace #Chiapas #AMLO #Concordia
– 2024-08-09 05:40:02

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