AROUND CIBUBUR – Member robot trading Net89 operated by PT Indonesian Multitalented Symbiotic (SMI) are still facing difficulties in withdrawing (withdraw/WD) their investment funds.
This makes members Net89 restless and even held a demonstration.
Against this situation, CEO PT SMI Andreas Andreyanto also gave an explanation.
Member trouble Net89 for WD has been going on since the end of January 2022 when management decided to stop operations.
Management Net89 had announced the WD procedure as of February 8, 2022.
Members are given two choices of two options. First WD to USDT/BTC. Second conversion to Infinity Plus, a crypto mining entity that is a sibling to PT SMI.
Then, PT SMI also offered to provide a third option, namely to pay cash for the investment to be WD.
However, the value paid is only half of the total investment that will be WD. The formula is Paid Value = (deposit value – WD that has been made): 2. While the reference fee is IDR 13,000 per US dollar.