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Ways to Lower Blood Pressure During Summer: Tips from Doctors

Blood pressure (BP), which indicates the pressure inside the blood vessels, is measured in the arm and two values ​​are determined: one maximum (systolic) and the other minimum (diastolic). The normal value is 120/70 mmHg.

The diagnosis of arterial hypertension is given by the doctor if BP exceeds the values ​​of 140 mmHg (for the maximum) and 90 mmHg (for the minimum) during repeated measurements.

Doctors point out that on hot summer days, when the temperatures outside are high, the body begins to sweat to cool down, which causes the heart to work extra hard and thus lose more fluids, eliminating water. This can lower your blood pressure and make your heart beat faster.

1. Adequate hydration during the day

2. Moderate physical activity

3. Healthy diet

4. Keeping stress under control

5. Periodic medical checks

Researchers at the University of Edinburgh suggest that sunlight helps lower blood pressure, reducing the risks of heart attack and stroke (stroke) and may even extend life.

UV radiation, specialists have discovered, releases a compound that lowers blood pressure, according to doc.ro. Researchers said in 2013 that more studies are needed to determine whether it’s time to reconsider the advice of specialists about sun exposure.

If left untreated, high blood pressure contributes to the risk of heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, kidney disease, vascular dementia, aneurysms and blood vessel blockages, doctorulzilei.ro cites.

Source: ReplicaOnline.ro

2023-07-04 21:44:18
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