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Wave of protests in Europe against vaccines and the covid passport

  • The far right mobilizes 12,000 people in Germany against compulsory vaccination

  • In Belgium, some 3,500 people, according to the police, are involved in riots against the covid passport

  • In Italy a group of anti-vaccine health workers assault the assembly of doctors in Rome

A wave of protests runs Europe against government measures to prevent the rise of the coronavirus. This Sunday there were massive mobilizations in Germany Y Belgium, as well as protests by anti-vaccine doctors in Italy. Movements related to (or directly linked) with the extreme right cohabit with protesters guided by a generalized discontent after more than 20 months of pandemic and go out to protest against the compulsory vaccination or the covid passport. All this in full swing of the variant omicron and with many of the governments of the ‘Old Continent’ adopting or studying new restrictions in the face of Christmas, as already announced in Portugal The Netherlands.

Germany has been this weekend one of the scenarios with the most massive demonstrations. About 12.00 people demonstrated this Sunday in the city of Nuremberg, in the south of the country, to protest against the anticovid measures and the mandatory vaccination. According to the Bavarian radio television BR, groups of neoniazis and the ultra-right “identity movement”. Around 2,500 people also attended the rally in Nuremberg called by the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD). Protest against which another 2,000 people organized a counter-demonstration grouped under the platform “Alliance against the ultra-right.” The Bavarian Interior Minister, Joachim Herrmann, who warned that the border between COVID deniers and far-rightists is increasingly blurring.

The day before several thousand people demonstrated in several protests in Germany against the anticovid measures and the mandatory vaccination, the largest of them in Hamburg (north), with about 11,500 participants. In GöppingenIn the federal state of Baden-Württemberg (south), the AfD called a demonstration “for freedom” and “against compulsory vaccination, paternalism and confinement” in which several other deputies from the far-right formation participated.

The capital of the European Union (EU) it has also set up protests against the government’s management of the pandemic. Thousands of people marched this Sunday against the anticovid health certificate in Brussels, after which the police arrested several young people in the middle of riots, confirmed an AFP journalist. The protesters – 3,500 according to the police, 50,000 according to the organizers – marched towards the European quarter, as during the protests on November 21 and December 5, to denounce the vaccination and the requirement of the health certificate to enter the restaurants and cultural events. About 10,000 new cases of covid-19 are registered every day in Belgium, according to official data.

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Assault on the medical college in Rome

A group of Italian health workers has assaulted the assembly of the College of Physicians in Rome to protest against the obligation of the coronavirus vaccine and for the suspension of colleagues who did not comply with this provision. And it is that the health entity of each province is allowed to suspend doctors or health workers who do not get vaccinated. About forty doctors broke into the assembly, which took place at the Villa Palace hotel in the capital, shouting “shame” Y “gangsters“According to the local media, with videos in which moments of tension and struggles are seen. The irruption of these anti-vaccine doctors has provoked the intervention of the police.

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