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Watermelon, properties and benefits: the impact on human health

Watermelon is certainly one of the most loved melons in the world: let’s see all the properties and benefits it brings to the body.

Slice of watermelon (Photo by pasja1000)


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One of the undisputed symbols of summer is definitely the watermelon. The watermelon, in fact, is generally found on the market from May to October.

The red melon is loved by young and old: there are so many variety since it is collected in half of Italy.

The best in our country are certainly those from Sicily, Puglia, Campania and Emilia.

In the hottest times of the year, there is nothing better than a fantastic slice of watermelon: refreshing and delicious, it also helps fight the heat.

Rich in nutrients and with an incomparable flavor, watermelon provides many benefits to the human organism. Let’s see all its properties and benefits together, also focusing on any contraindications.

Watermelon, benefits and contraindications: the impact on health

Watermelon brings many benefits to the human body: it is rich in nutrients and has a sensational taste.


Watermelon benefits human health
Watermelon pieces (Photo by Vivacia for Pixabay)

The watermelon is composed of 91% water and has a great satiating power: as if that were not enough, it also provides very few calories.

For every 100 grams of product it provides 30 calories: this means that even those on a diet can safely consume it.

As for sugars, the levels present in this melon are lower than in other seasonal fruits.

Extremely thirst-quenching, the red melon is rich in antioxidants and helps to fight the exhaustion caused by the heat and heat and to recover the substances that are lost with excessive sweating.

Source of precious minerals, it helps to lower blood pressure, fights cellulite (effectively counteracting water retention) and prevents cystitis since it detoxifies the kidneys and bladder.

Thanks to the high levels of mineral salts, it counteracts tiredness and weakness and also helps the skin keeping it young.

Finally, watermelon is rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that has a powerful anti-inflammatory action and promotes both heart and bone health.

Watermelon benefits human health
Watermelon Chunks (Photo by spudaitis for Pixabay)

There are no particular contraindications related to the consumption of watermelon: however, remember that it is not very digestible due to the excessive levels of water and therefore it is recommended to consume it between meals. Watermelon may contain traces of nickel, so those with the allergy should avoid eating it.

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