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Water on ration, Italy is struggling with an unprecedented drought: ‘It is a disaster’

In Rome, the water in the Tiber is so low that archaeological bridge remains are surfacing in some places. Shipwrecks from World War II are resurrected in the Po, the country’s longest river. The water there is now 1.5 to 2 meters lower than normal.

It is often dry, but this year it is extreme. Due to the mild winter, little meltwater came from the Alps. The spring in Italy was also warmer than usual. In June the temperature rose to 40 degrees. “It was almost impossible to go outside, it was also not recommended,” says correspondent Anouk Boone.


Italians are now being urged to save water and that is not always on a voluntary basis. In Verona and Pisa, for example, the use of drinking water is limited. In Verona, the drinking water may only be used during the daytime this summer for cooking, washing and cleaning the house. Filling a pool is only allowed at night, although you are asked not to do it at all. There is also a limit to the daily consumption of tap water in some places.

In other places in the country – such as Venice and Milan, Parma and Spoleto – the fountains have been turned off. And in Cogoledo, on the Ligurian coast, it is no longer possible to shower on the beach this summer.

In Bologna you are no longer allowed to wash the car at home. It is also recommended to only run the washing machine at 30 degrees. You should collect the water with which vegetables and fruit are washed, so that you can use it again.

Concerned Farmers

The River Po is a lifeline for agriculture in northern Italy. The low water level mainly hurts the farmers in the Po Valley, because there is not enough water to water the land. Farmer Idelfonso grows maize, but his plants are far too small for the time of year. “The harvest is lost. Even if it starts to rain now. At the most, the plants will become a bit greener, but no corn cob grows.”

The maize is mainly used for animal feed, which also affects the consumption of cows. The farmer will feel that in his wallet. Due to the scarcity of animal feed, the price will rise. But he has more concerns. Due to the persistent warm weather, the cows also give less milk.

“We are very concerned for the future. Not only with regard to the shortages in the land, but also about what will come on the table from the Italians. Food prices will rise,” said Paola Bono, director of the local farmers’ farm. and horticultural association of the Cremona region.

“It is a disaster for the Po Valley,” she says. “The agricultural sector has not experienced such a dramatic water crisis in seventy years. The entire chain is under threat.”

The Italian government has now declared a state of emergency for the five worst-hit regions. This frees up extra money. But that’s only a few tens of millions, and that’s not nearly enough.

Farmer Idelfonso hopes at least that some of the money will come his way. “We hope that the government or Europe will come to our aid, so that at least we can sow next year without having to knock on the door of the bank for a loan.”

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