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Water Leakage Incident at Zaporizhzhya NPP: The Role of Russian Occupiers

As a result of the actions of the Russian occupiers at the fourth power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, an incident occurred with water leakage from the primary circuit to the second.

As a result of the actions of the Russian occupiers at the fourth power unit of the Zaporizhzhya NPP, an incident occurred with water leakage from the primary circuit to the second.

About it reported at NNEGC “Energoatom” on August 11.

“As a result of the withdrawal of the 4th power unit of the temporarily occupied Zaporizhzhya NPP into a “hot” state in violation of the terms of the license and the requirements of Energoatom, an incident occurred with a leak of water from the primary circuit of the reactor into the second,” the company said in a statement.

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They noted that there was no radiological release to the environment.

What exactly is the cause of the incident at the ZNPP: what are the occupiers doing

Energoatom explained that the incident occurred due to a violation of the integrity of the third steam generator located in the hermetic shell of the block. Consequently, the occupation leadership of the ZNPP began transfer of the fourth power unit to the “cold shutdown” state.

In addition, over the next three days, the Russians the sixth power unit of ZNPP will be transferred to a “hot shutdown”. This is another violation of the terms of the license and the requirements of Energoatom.

The Russians disable the power units of the Zaporizhzhya NPP

The president of Energoatom, Pyotr Kotin, stressed that the incompetent illegitimate “management” of the station from Rosatom “consistently disables the blocks of the captured station.”

“This is a crime with deliberate damage to the equipment of the 4th power unit, which led to the violation of the integrity of already three of the five existing physical barriers on the way spread of radiation, leakage of potentially radioactive water circuit outside the established limits, damage to expensive primary circuit equipment will be investigated,” Kotin said.

He also assured that after the de-occupation of the station, all those involved in the incident would be identified and held accountable. We are talking about ZNPP workers who carry out the criminal orders of Rosatom and bring the equipment of all power units to a critical state.

Kotin also said that the 750 kV high-voltage communication line had been repaired and On the evening of August 10, ZNPP was already connected to the main power line.

Recall that on the night of August 10, ZNPP lost power from the main external power transmission line with a voltage of 750 kV and was on the verge of a blackout.

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2023-08-12 07:14:08

#incident #occurred #power #unit #Zaporizhzhya #NPP #release #radiation

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