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Water in Crimea – PACE: Russia accused Ukraine and demanded a reaction

The Russian delegation demanded from Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe to express their position due to the problems with the water supply of the Crimea occupied by Russia. She blamed Ukraine for the situation on the peninsula.

The corresponding letter in his Telegram channel On June 21, the people’s deputy from “European Solidarity”, member of the Ukrainian delegation Alexey Goncharenko. The author of the document was the head of the Russian delegation Pyotr Tolstoy (scroll the page to the end to see it).

“Ukrainophobe, Euro-phobia and anti-Semite Pyotr Tolstoy accused Ukraine that blocking the water from the Dnieper for Crimea is“ a collective punishment of the Crimeans for their political position, ”the People’s Deputy stressed.

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Goncharenko noted that Tolstoy also referred to a number of conventions that Kiev allegedly violates, and the difficult situation of the Crimean Tatars.

A member of the Ukrainian delegation recalled that it is Russia that carries out repressions against the Crimean Tatars. He also drew attention to the Fourth Geneva Convention, according to which the occupying state bears responsibility for the population of the occupied territories.

In addition, Tolstoy raised the topic of sanctions against the co-chairman of the Opposition Platform – For Life party Viktor Medvedchuk, calling it a “violation of freedom of speech.”

Goncharenko added that Russia and freedom of speech are antonymic words.

Letter from the head of the Russian delegation to PACE.

Letter from the head of the Russian delegation to PACE.

Post by Alexey Goncharenko.

As reported OBOZREVATEL, in early June it became known that the situation with water supply in Crimea escalated, and reservoirs can become empty. However, in the middle of the month, several cities covered with torrential rains.

Note that many experts have repeatedly said that there should be enough water for the population of Crimea, but the occupier used it for military needs.

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