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Water flowed from Bunardjika

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A reader flagged in Plovdiv24.bg, that for two or three days a huge amount of water poured down the slopes of Bunardjika, Volga Street was also flooded

“Paved alleys have turned into rivers that can only be crossed with wet sneakers. About a month ago they were doing something in the watershed on the hill. Today there is a problem again. I don’t know if it’s an accident or some kind of prevention in the water supply area, but water is flowing down the alleys again, this time the stream is weaker, but it drags mud and silt, which form unpleasant sediments on the cobblestones.

I have seen that there is a drainage system built on the slopes of Bunardjika, but I am not sure in what condition it is and whether it is capable of handling such situations adequately. It’s not bad to take measures, and it seems like it’s right for the employees in the water supply area to better plan the planned repairs and preventive maintenance, so as not to create problems for the people living in the area, as well as for the people who exercise and walk on the hill.” , our reader wrote.

Plovdiv24.bg contacted Eng. Anton Galabov from the Waterworks, who explained to us that one of the reservoirs is currently being repaired. “When cleaning the reservoir, there is no way not to get this leak. The sewer is old, compromised and leaking.

It’s a good thing, let the citizens forgive us! No repairs have been made there for more than 30 years,” said Eng. Galabov.

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