Home » today » News » Water continues to rise in price. What did the head of KEVR propose? – 2024-02-13 18:00:05

Water continues to rise in price. What did the head of KEVR propose? – 2024-02-13 18:00:05

KEVR Chairman Ivan Ivanov proposes to introduce a “water poor” category due to the expected increase in the price of water. Ivanov met in Kyustendil with water supply operators from the country in connection with the “Comparative analysis of water supply companies” project, BNR reported.

Due to the increased requirements for water quality, due to the construction of modern treatment plants and others, the price of water will wait. What should be done in such a situation, commented the head of KEVR Ivan Ivanov:

“Just as there are energy-poor families, such a category should also be introduced for families with serious social problems that should actually be supported, and this should be done through the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy. Second, a two-tariff model can be introduced, which apart from drinking water, which is used for hygiene and household needs, outside of this category, there will be a second tariff for water – for those who want to water their tomatoes and cucumbers with it, another for filling their swimming pool, a third – the jacuzzi”.

Water losses for the year 2022 for the whole country were 61% of the total water supplied by nature. The state of the water supply network in the country is bad – the network is old and about three quarters of it are Eternite pipes, whose service life has expired long ago. In terms of water supply connectivity, our country is at the top in Europe, because almost all settlements are supplied with water, but in terms of water loss indicators, we are at the bottom of the table, competing with Albania.

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