Von Petter on 28 November 2024 at 23:31
It’s enough that I see a word that in Futura Condensed Extra Bold is written (preferably yellow text, of course) so that I can start making long dialogue sequences Rattling off Alan Moore’s masterpiece. Watchmen is religion for me. Holier than the holiest of sacred cows and anything adorned with the orange Futura logo is something I either read or watch. Everything. This includes Warner’s new two-part (animated) adaptation of the comic. The second part is out now, it’s 93 minutes long and I saw it tonight. It was good. Not good as a comic and not good as Zack Snyder’s brilliant film adaptation (still by far the best comic reel in the world), but good. Stylish, Gibbon’s drawing style in moving images, works excellently, if a bit stiffly. The voice acting lacks punch, but it’s also… Good. Constantly good. It will be one be a weak seven here for me as I lack nerve, better pace and vision, but always like Watchmen.
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