Home » today » News » Watching a dog or cat in an apartment? Here’s what you should follow – 2024-08-30 13:50:01

Watching a dog or cat in an apartment? Here’s what you should follow – 2024-08-30 13:50:01

A large part of Bulgarians look after domestic animals in apartments in residential blocks. This often annoys the neighbors and one of the most frequently asked questions to the municipal administrations is whether someone looking after 4-5 cats or dogs can be penalized.

Keeping more than one animal in a separate unit in the condominium is not prohibited by the Condominium Management Act (CMA).

The only limit on the number of animals that can be kept in a separate unit in the condominium is contained in the Animal Protection Act, and this limit is quite liberal: “Dogs and cats may not be kept in a condominium building, on area less than:

For a dog:

a) from small breeds up to 10 kg – 6 sq.m.

b) for medium breeds up to 25 kg – minimum 8 sq.m.

c) for large breeds over 25 kg – minimum 10 sq.m.

For a cat – minimum 6 sq.m.

The area is calculated as total with the people living in the dwelling.”

The owner’s book, which should be kept in each building or entrance in condominium mode, contains an appendix in which each owner or resident enters the animals owned or taken for breeding. The aim is to know the number and type of animals in the individual facilities.

Owners or residents who keep animals subject to removal in the condominium shall pay a consumption charge for each animal at the same rate as for one resident.

One of the obligations of the owners and occupants according to the ŽUES is to fulfill the requirements of the relevant legal acts when raising animals in their private facilities and not to cause concern to their immediate neighbors.

According to the administrative penal provisions of the ŽUES, an owner or occupant of a building or an entrance to a condominium, who fails to fulfill an obligation under the ŽUES, is punished with a fine of BGN 20 to BGN 100, when he is a natural person, or with a property sanction of BGN 150 to BGN 350 ., when it is a legal entity. The obligations of the owners and occupants are regulated in Article 6 of the UEES.

An owner or occupant of a building or entrance to a condominium, who violates the rules for the internal order in the condominium and creates a greater than usual disturbance for other owners and occupants, shall be punished with a fine of BGN 50 to BGN 150, when is a natural person, or with a property sanction of BGN 200 to BGN 500, when it is a legal entity.

The establishment of the violation is described in a protocol drawn up by the Management Board. When there is no elected management board in the condominium, the protocol is drawn up by the manager and two owners, determined by a decision of the general meeting. The constitutive protocol contains data on the person who committed the violation, a description, time and date of the violation.

The constitutive protocol is drawn up in three identical copies, one each for the chairman of the Management Board (the Manager), the offender and the municipal or regional administration. After drawing up the protocol, the chairman of the Management Board (the Manager) immediately submits it to the municipal or regional administration.

The act of establishing the violation is issued by the municipal or regional administration, and the penal decree is issued by the mayor of the municipality or region or by an official authorized by him.

The establishment of the violation, the issuance, appeal, execution of the criminal decree are carried out in accordance with the Law on Administrative Offenses and Penalties (ZANN).

The main legal acts related to animal husbandry are:

Law on veterinary medical activity;

Animal Protection Act;

Ordinance No. 39 of 01.12.2008 on the conditions for keeping companion animals in accordance with their physiological and behavioral characteristics, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

According to the regulations:

– dogs must have a passport according to a model issued by the veterinarian, be vaccinated and dewormed;

– to be registered with the relevant veterinarian, who places a tattoo or microchip with information on the animal’s individual number;

– for owning a dog, a fee is paid annually according to the Law on Local Taxes and Fees.

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