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Watch … “water bottles and double muffles” … this is how the Chinese face the Corona virus

A state of panic, which dominated the peoples of the world, specifically the Chinese people and the neighboring countries of China, after the Coruna virus began to spread on a large scale, and its infection caused the death of more than 160 cases worldwide, and it was necessary to find a way to confront this ghoul that threatens everyone and threatens them with death And it became like plague disease at the beginning of its spread in Europe in the Middle Ages, after every house was threatened, and people avoided dealing with each other.

The Chinese have devised ways to avoid getting sick in various cities of the ancient state, some of them made masking clothes from the clothes he wore, and some of them developed new ways to completely cover his face and head, and some of them also made of plastic water bottles masks that masked the breaths of those around them, while Ahron resorted to wearing Gland masks on his nose and face to prevent the deadly virus from reaching it.

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And Sky News has reported, in its urgent news, that the number of corona virus deaths has increased to 169, in addition to recording more than a thousand infections around the world.

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The WHO’s Director of Emergency, Michael Ryan, has announced that the death rate due to the “Corona virus” is around 2 percent, while the SARS death rate is about 10 percent..

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Ryan said, according to “Sky News” satellite channel, on Wednesday, that the Director-General of the International Health Organization Tadros Phnom Penh Gebrysos, called for the convening of the Corona Experts Committee tomorrow, Thursday, as the committee will assess whether the emergency should be declared globally due to the outbreak of the virus.

This is the second time that the Director-General of the World Health Organization has summoned this committee to convene on the emerging coronavirus, which has killed 132 people since its appearance in late December in China..

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Ryan said that a small number of new cases of HIV infection among people in countries other than China, including Germany, raises concern, adding that the outbreaks are still concentrated in Wuhan and Hubei Province, but “the information happens and changes every hour“.

After returning from a visit to Beijing to discuss the new virus with Chinese President Xi Jinping and senior government officials, the WHO emergency director indicated that China was taking “extraordinary measures in the face of an unusual challenge” due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus..

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The organization did not use the characterization of a public health emergency with an international dimension except in rare cases that required a strong international response, as in the case of the spread of swine flu (H1N1), the Zika virus in 2016, and the Ebola fever that invaded Part of West Africa between 2014 and 2016, and spread in the Democratic Republic of the Congo since 2018.

The announcement of the meeting comes at a time when the number of cases that have been recorded so far exceed the number of SARS infections in 2002 and 2003, caused by another type of coronavirus that infected 5327 in China..

SARS has caused the deaths of 774 people in the world, including 349 in China.

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