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watch the memorable presentation of the founder of Apple

After the iPod or iMac, and before the iPad, Apple presented its most striking product in 2007: the smartphone.

“It’s a revolutionary cell phone.” To the applause of an audience largely in favor of him, Steve Jobs unveiled, on January 9, 2007, the product that truly revolutionized our lives. The first iPhone was announced with great fanfare by the founder of Apple.

If the versions have changed, just like the Cupertino group, it was during the high mass of the brand, orchestrated by Jobs, that it all began for the smartphone as we know it.

For the nostalgic or those who didn’t experience this event, this is your chance to catch up by reviewing the 2007 Macworld keynote.

This memorable conference will take place four years before the death of the boss and founder of Apple.

Thomas Leroy BFM Business Journalist

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