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Watch out for this video showing gendarmes inside a hospital in Martinique

A video showing gendarmes in the compound of a hospital in Martinique is circulating massively on social networks. We see about twenty gendarmes walking the corridors of the Pierre Zobda-Quitman hospital in Fort-de-France. Many internet users say they are looking for caregivers without a health passport.

video aligncenter"><video controls="" src="https://factandfurious.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/Video-tournee-dans-un-CHU-de-la-Martinique1.mp4"/>
Video shot in a university hospital in Martinique

Although the video is authentic, it does not show gendarmes in “patrol”In the health facility. They are in fact looking for individuals who have forced the checks at the entrance to the hospital.

Capture du Tweet d'Idriss Aberkane
Capture du Tweet d’Idriss Aberkane

The context

The video was shot on the day of an anti-pass demonstration in the emergency room of the Pierre Zobda-Quitman hospital on October 15, 2021. Event reported by our colleagues from FranceInfo TV. Clashes broke out between the demonstrators and the police. Contacted by the editorial staff, the team in charge of the report tells us that they arrived when the incidents started. And that therefore it was “difficult for them to say what exactly happened”. The editorial staff therefore contacted all the parties concerned by the incidents in order to see more clearly..

The version of the UGTM Santé union

Contacted by telephone, the general secretary of the UGTM Santé Martinique, Serge Aribo, confirms that there were indeed two arrests in the compound. According to him, the personnel arrested would have “tricked out” although they “had their health pass”. He also told us that “law enforcement agencies are present to strengthen security checks”At the entrance to the hospital. According to him, the police had no reason to carry out the arrests. However, the latter was not able to confirm the permanent presence of security forces in the corridors of the hospital for any checks. He also insisted that it was these arrests that allegedly sparked clashes.

For the Martinique University Hospital

For its part, the Martinique University Hospital tells us that no “patrol of the police does not take place in the corridors of its establishments”. The CHU explains that individuals have forced security checks at the entrance. A gesture which led the police to enter the enclosure to find the individuals. They also confirm the presence of the gendarmerie to strengthen security checks, but on an ad hoc basis and at the entrance to the hospital.

On the side of the prefecture

Contacted by phone, the prefecture of Martinique tells us: “In conjunction with the Martinique ARS and on information from territorial intelligence, we have chosen to strengthen security checks at the entrance to hospitals. Especially when there are demonstrations. The safety of vaccinated healthcare workers is regularly compromised. The presence of the police is punctual and makes it possible to anticipate certain excesses on the part of opponents of the health pass. or vaccination” .

In its press release of October 15, the prefecture of Martinique strongly condemned the incidents that occurred at the Pierre Zobda hospital.


The video presented on social networks and on the Media in 4-4-2 has been taken out of context. The General’s twitter account, already banned several times from the platform, is just as well known as the 4-4-2 media for regularly disseminating disinformation on the health crisis.

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