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Watch out for IUGR during pregnancy, serious conditions when fetal development is delayed


Have you ever heard of the term IUGR in pregnancy? IUGR is a serious condition to watch out for because it can cause low birth weight babies.

IUGR stands for Intrauterine growth restriction. This term describes the growth and development of the fetus which is stunted in the womb.

Definition of IUGR

In the reviews on American family doctor explained that IUGR is a term for a baby whose size is smaller or abnormal during pregnancy. The fetus does not grow in the womb or its development is stunted.


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Babies born with IUGR usually have a low birth weight. Also, second American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), IUGR is also often associated with other complications that occur after childbirth.

Until now, there are still gaps in knowledge of the terminology, etiology, and diagnostic criteria for IUGR. However, from the reviews onwards In-depth study of clinical medicine: Pediatrics In 2016, IUGR was said to be the cause of fetal and neonatal morbidity and mortality, Mother. It is defined as a lower than normal fetal growth rate for a given baby’s growth potential.

According to Dr. Noreen Iftikhar, MD, fetuses diagnosed with IUGR weigh below the 10th percentile, or less than 90 percent, of all developing babies of the same gestational age.

“IUGR occurs in 10-15 percent of pregnancies,” Iftikhar said sanitary line.

Causes of IUGR

IUGR can be caused by several things or by a combination of causes; IUGR is often associated with conditions such as:

  • Infantile (fetal) factor
  • Maternal (maternal) factors
  • Genetic
  • Placenta

IUGR can occur during pregnancy. Doctors believe that IUGR that occurs in early pregnancy is most likely linked to genetic, placenta, or umbilical cord problems.

“The placenta provides oxygen and nutrients to the growing fetus. If there is a problem with this transfer, it can cause problems with fetal growth and development,” said Iftikhar.

IUGR risk factors

The following are other factors that can increase the risk of IUGR during pregnancy:

  • The mother has a history of smoking, drinking or using illegal drugs.
  • Having a medical condition, such as anemia or lupus.
  • Having an infection, such as rubella or syphilis
  • Pregnant with more than one baby.
  • Have high blood pressure.
  • You have gestational diabetes.
  • Consumption of some drugs.

There are several medical tests that need to be done to diagnose IUGR. Everything? Read the next page, yes, Mother.

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Also discover the 4 benefits of inviting the fetus to speak, in the following video:

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