Home » today » Technology » Watch out for ATM scammers! What method do they use? Is it safe to make transactions with QR code? ‘If an ATM made of flat glass will be used…’ – Last Minute News…

Watch out for ATM scammers! What method do they use? Is it safe to make transactions with QR code? ‘If an ATM made of flat glass will be used…’ – Last Minute News…


In recent years, the risk of becoming a victim of fraud when withdrawing money from ATMs has begun to increase. One of the most frequently used methods is card copying… In the past months, a Romanian national in Kocaeli withdrew more than 250 thousand liras from 100 ATMs with the cards he copied. A similar incident occurred in Bursa.

In this method, fraudsters place card copying devices that can read the magnetic strip or chip in the ATM card entry slot, and users’ card information is captured without them even knowing.

Banks have been using ATMs for a while to prevent such fraud attempts. ‘Login with QR code’ offers the option. However, today, where QR code frauds have become very common, users are afraid of being caught in hail while escaping from the rain.

So, what precautions should we take to avoid falling into the trap of fraudsters at the ATMs we frequently use in our daily lives? Can logging in with a QR code prevent risks?


Head of Department of Visual Communication Design at Marmara University Faculty of Communication and many questions like this. Information Technologies Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ali Murat Kirik and Cyber ​​Security Expert Osman Demircan We searched for an answer.


Assoc. Dr. Ali Murat Kırık said, “The risk of being defrauded when withdrawing money from ATMs is increasing day by day. Fraudsters try to victimize users using various tactics. One of the most frequently used fraud methods is card cloning. And also “Scammers also try to display passwords.” he said and underlined the following details:

“Fraudsters can spy on users’ passwords by placing hidden cameras around the ATM. Footage recorded while users are typing their passwords provides password information to fraudsters.

Using extra devices is also a very common method. Fraudsters try to obtain users’ card information, passwords or identity information by attaching cameras or card reading devices to ATMs. These devices are usually placed in card slots so that the user does not notice them. “This situation occurs especially at ATMs that are far from banks.”


Osman Demircan said that another method used by fraudsters is to install a device that jams the card and added:


“When the card holder leaves the ATM, thinking that his card is jammed, the fraudsters dismantle the device and remove the card. Then, using this card, they can spend via contactless payment or mail order (a payment method that can use a credit card in cases where there is no physical POS device).”


“The information obtained through these illegal devices may be sufficient to physically obtain a fake credit card. “By using ancoder (electromechanical signal generators), an exact card can be copied, just like counterfeit money.” Demircan said and continued:


“In a similar method, fraudsters can start using the card by deleting the information on the magnetic strip of the card they have and uploading the information in the magnetic field of the stolen card. Having security cameras everywhere will cause fraudsters to leave footprints when using these duplicate cards, and stolen card information is generally used on online shopping platforms and shopping sites abroad. “They mostly prefer to buy electronic devices that can be quickly converted into cash.”


“The most important thing to consider when making transactions at an ATM is this: If an ATM consisting of a flat glass structure that can be attached to a device is not to be used, we must check the card insertion unit by gently pulling it towards us.” Osman Demircan said, “In this way, if a mechanism has been added to the unit, it will be detected. Likewise, it should be checked both manually and visually to see if there is any device at an angle that can see the password typing keyboard. This type of copying devices are seen in ATMs in quieter places than in ATMs in crowded areas. “Be more careful when using ATMs in secluded areas.” he said.



QR code, which makes it possible to make transactions at ATMs without a card; It is a technology whose use is becoming more widespread day by day. So, are transactions made with QR code safe?

“Transactions carried out with QR codes can be completed very securely without the need for users to share their card information or passwords. “This method offers users a secure payment or withdrawal experience through mobile banking applications.” said Assoc. Dr. Kırık underlined the following important information:

— Users can perform transactions by scanning the QR code they created in their mobile banking applications at the ATM. During this process, card information or passwords are not shared with the ATM. One of the main factors that ensure the security of QR code transactions is that QR codes are created with a strong encryption algorithm. This algorithm ensures secure protection of the data within the QR code and makes it difficult for unauthorized persons to access this data.

— It is also important to draw attention to the security measures of mobile banking applications. Typically, mobile banking apps use security measures such as strong encryption algorithms, complex passwords, and two-factor authentication to protect user accounts.


Fraud can be committed with fake QR codes on restaurant menus. Could the same be true for ATMs?


Osman Demircan said, “Although the QR codes used for menu access in restaurants look similar to the QR codes used in ATM systems, they work structurally differently” and added:

“When the QR code is scanned in restaurants, the person is directed to a link. In other words, a web page opens and we choose the food we will order from that page. If the QR code in the restaurant has been changed by a fraudster, when clicked, malware that can hijack the phone can be installed on the phone. The QR code used on the ATM in the banking system is used to determine the ATM where the transaction will take place after the transaction to be made with the QR is determined on the mobile application.

ATM in a nutshellWhen the QR application reads the account holder, for example, the money withdrawal is made through the ATM whose QR is read. Structurally, the QR used in restaurants and the QR used in the banking system work absolutely differently from each other. “The security vulnerabilities created by QR codes used in the restaurant system do not apply to QR codes used in the banking system.”


To this question “Pirators can take over any bank’s ATM without any hassle.” Answered by Assoc. Dr. Ali Murat Kırık, “Since ATMs are computer systems, they can have security vulnerabilities like other computer systems. “By using these vulnerabilities, hackers can gain unauthorized access to ATMs, steal money, or engage in other illegal activities.” he said. Assoc. Dr. Kırık continued as follows:

“Banks take various software measures to protect their ATMs. Using strong passwords and passwords makes unauthorized access to ATMs difficult. In addition, regularly updating ATMs with legal software updates aims to eliminate security vulnerabilities and make ATMs more secure.” “Firewalls and network filters are also important security measures used to protect ATMs from hackers.”

Assoc. Prof. also touched upon some special software used to protect ATMs. Dr. Broken, “antivirus software, It helps detect and remove malware that infects ATMs. firewall softwareHelps prevent unauthorized access to ATMs. encryption software, It helps protect the data in the ATM. security management software It helps manage the security of ATMs. “Using these software together constitutes an important strategy to increase the security of ATMs,” he said.

Photos: iStock

2023-12-12 06:31:00
#Watch #ATM #scammers #method #safe #transactions #code #ATM #flat #glass #used.. #Minute #News..

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