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Watch! ‘Emilia. Behind the scenes of the Latvian press queen – press balls, Vilis Lācis and a lawsuit

At the end of September, the new multi-series art film reached the audience “Emilia. Queen of the Latvian Press“- about the publisher, millionaires Emilija Benjamiņš, her cherished magazine” Atpūta “, family and tragic fate, which have become a legend of Latvian history.

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The film also provides an insight into the press parties organized by Benjamins, which became the most elite events of the time of the first free state. In the fourth series of the film, the new talent Vilis Lācis appears, as well as a lawsuit against Jānis Benjamins, called Junior, is filed. In the latest series of curtains of the film, the actor tells about the role of Viļa Lačā Jēkabs Reinis, Outlines the role of Ilga Caller Anta Aizupe, but the events of that time are explained by historian Ineta Lipše and member of the board of the Latvian Association of Printing Companies Artis Ērglis.

“Ms. Benjamin was one of the organizers at the press ball, responsible for various charity events – lotteries and bolus buy-outs – raised funds for the journalists’ union and other centralized needs of the cunft. For example, to maintain Sigulda Castle, which was a holiday home for journalists and writers,” says Ineta. Lipše.

“In the early 1930s, when Vilis Lācis was attached to the editorial office of” Jaunjaun Ziņu “,” Jaunākās Ziņas “bought from him the right to publish his further works. It was profitable for Vilis Lācis. explains Ineta Lipše.
“In order for good writers not to write to others, Benjamins paid them a hard salary. At one point, Willy the Bear also made it to the list. He was paid a salary, regardless of whether they did something or not,” Ērglis adds.

“We don’t know what Vilius Lāčs’ inner feelings were. But we know what will happen after 1940, when positions changed completely. Maybe he tried to get into the opposite relationship with Benjamin, as he had before. However, yes – it can be said that the opportunity it was very beneficial for him to publish and receive royalties in Benjamin companies, “the historian points out.

On the other hand, about the lawsuit of Ilga Caller, in which she accused Jānis Benjamins of rape, Ineta Lipše says – it is interesting that a woman filed a kind of accusation against a potential father of a child: “The fact that someone dared to do so … Of course, settlement at the door of the court. “

It has already been reported that the films “Emilija. Queen of the Latvian Press” in six feature films and one documentary series cover the period from the beginnings of the magazine “Atpūta” published by Emilija Benjamiņa to her death in Siberia. Each series depicts a significant stage in Emilia Benjamin’s life, showing various aspects of her personality: family life, entrepreneurship, strengthening social status, influencing political and cultural developments in the 1920s and 1930s and, ultimately, the betrayal of her own employees.

The film was made by three directors – Andis Mizišs, Kristīne Želve and Dāvis Sīmanis. Director of the documentary series – Gints Grūbe. The script was written by Baņuta Rubess, Ivo Briedis, Aiva Birbele, Tabita Rudzāte, consultants Māra Zālīte, Ineta Lipša, feature film directors are Kristīne Želve, Andis Mizišs, Dāvis Sīmanis, documentary series director – Gints Grūbe, cinematographer – Andrejs Rudzāts, filmmaker Jurjāne and Aivars Žukovskis, editing directors – Andris Grants, Paula Popmane and Armands Začs, composer – Kārlis Auzāns, sound director – Ernests Ansons, main producer – studio “Mistrus Media”, Inese Boka-Grūbe and Gints Grūbe.

Actress Guna Zariņa is played in the role of Emilija Benjamiņa, Juris Bartkevičs plays Jānis Benjamiņš, Raimonds Celms plays Jānis Benjamiņš, many other well-known actors have also starred in the series: Baiba Broka, Ligita Dēvica, Inga Tropa, Artūrs Skrastiņš, Anta Aizupe and “Atpūtas” editorial staff are represented by Uldis Anže, Jēkabs Reinis, Lauris Dzelzītis, Dainis Gaidelis, Edgars Ozoliņš, Gatis Maliks, Arnolds Osis and others.

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