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“Wassim Bazzi’s Shocking Revelation: Franjieh, Nasrallah and Berri Convene with Urgent Advice for Geagea!”

“spot shot”

Wassim Bazzi, a researcher in political affairs, confirmed that “the head of the Marada Movement, Suleiman Franjieh, heard reassuring words from the French, and they told him that there is no Saudi veto on you.”

In an interview with “Spot Shot” on the Point of View program, Bazzi said: “The issue of Franjieh and his candidacy for the presidency seems to have come a long way. Regardless of the Christian reality he faces, he is benefiting strongly from the regional climate.”

He added, “All talk about a Saudi veto remained a matter of wishes, and no official Saudi position was issued in this regard, and the interpretation of the Saudi position that it is strict gives it weight and weight.”

Bazzi continued, “In Bukhari’s recent visit to Maarab, Geagea was not satisfied with the dialogue that took place over two hours, despite all the endorsement elements and the video tour to give a kind of apparent intimacy.”

He explained, “There are 3 matters that Geagea did not get answers to. He did not hear Bukhari’s veto on Franjieh. Al-Bukhari was very careful and selective of his words. Thirdly, Al-Bukhari told him that opening up to Iran is a strategic choice and will be reflected in the region, and this was reflected in an escalation in Zahle.”

Bazzi revealed that “Three weeks before he went to Paris, Franjieh met Nasrallah with a visit to the suburb, and the day before yesterday there was an iftar attended by Nasrallah, Berri and Franjieh, and the results were discussed.”

And he added, “The cooking has not been done yet, and we still need time. The logic of the complete package may be part of the elements of negotiation, but whoever knows Franjieh and his nature knows that he does not bargain over the sovereign position if he reaches it.”

Bazzi pointed out that “the Saudis’ escalatory position may be aimed at the dispute between Saudi Arabia and the party, and their criticism of Franjieh from this angle, and the solution here comes under the shadow of positivity between Syria and Saudi Arabia, the output is through the Levant.”

And he believed that “Franjieh has the only opportunity, and I do not see other candidates, and the spirit of tolerance brought it down on the forces and Geagea with the issue of accusing them of killing his father.”

Bazzi stated, “Contact took place between Franjieh and the Americans after his return from Paris, and it took place between one of his close associates and the country’s highest diplomat.”

He pointed out that “the Vatican is concerned that the logic of resistance from Christian forces will affect the presence and vitality of Christians in the region.”

Bazzi affirmed that “Geagea did not make good use of the many opportunities that he had, and we respect him and appreciate the people who voted for him, and this puts him before a national responsibility that does not benefit him from suffering.”

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