Home » today » Business » Waskita Karya Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Changes Board of Directors After Bambang Rianto Becomes a Corruption Suspect

Waskita Karya Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Changes Board of Directors After Bambang Rianto Becomes a Corruption Suspect

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk. which was held today appointed two new directors. One of the newly appointed directors replaced Bambang Rianto who was named a suspect in the case at the end of last year corruption.

Senior Vice President Corporate Secretary Waskita Ermy Puspa Yunita said changes in the board of directors were the Director of Business Development and Director of Operation II.

The position of Director of Business Development was originally held by Septiawan Andri Purwanto, now held by Rudi Purnomo. While the Director of Operations II, which was previously held by Bambang Rianto, is now held by Dhetik Ariyanto.

Previously, in this case, investigators had named Bambang Rianto, Operations Director II of PT Waskita Karya (Persero) as a suspect. The Attorney General’s Office said that Bambang unlawfully approved the disbursement of Supply Chain Financing (SCF) funds with fake supporting documents.

The funds from the SCF disbursement were previously claimed by Bambang to pay the company’s debt to vendors. However, the payment of the debt was found to be fictitious and caused state losses.

For his actions, Bambang is suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph (1) and Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 as amended by Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning the Eradication of Corruption Crimes in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

Furthermore, Ermy hopes that the appointment of a new board of directors will have a positive impact on Waskita’s performance, especially in terms of business development and overall company operations.

“Not only that, the management who was appointed today has added optimism in supporting the overall strengthening of fundamentals,” he said in a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, February 14, 2023.

The two main agenda items at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders held in the second week of February this year are the determination of the cost burden for implementing the company’s privatization in 2022 and the approval of changes in the company’s management. EGMS held at the Waskita Heritage Building, Cawang, East Jakarta.

The EGMS was chaired directly by President Commissioner Waskita Karya Heru Winarko and accompanied by President Director Destiawan Soewardjono and the entire board of directors and commissioners of the company.

On this occasion Waskita Karya would like to thank you for the service, energy and dedication that has been given while serving as the old board of directors. The company also congratulates the new board of directors, hopefully it can bring Waskita Karya to be better in the future.

Next: The Company is committed to running…

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