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Washington’s escalation could cause a direct confrontation

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova warned on Monday that current US policy puts Moscow and Washington on the verge of direct confrontation, calling on the US to abandon the policy of escalation.

“a forward-looking policy”

Zakharova said: “After the miserable American failure in Afghanistan, the United States is increasingly embroiled in a new conflict, and this is not only evident in supporting the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev with funding and armaments, but also in increasing the forces armed presence in the field… This is a dangerous issue and a policy lacking foresight.” It puts the United States and Russia on the verge of direct confrontation. According to Russian media reports.

He stressed that what is happening is “a natural result of the US desire to maintain its hegemony by any means, ignoring the new geopolitical realities, as well as arrogance and unwillingness to conduct a serious dialogue on Russia’s security guarantees “.

Moscow must be listened to.

And he asked that Moscow’s voice be heard in Washington, underlining that so far there is no reason for optimism in this regard.

Interestingly, a meeting between America and Russia at the level of diplomatic representatives was held in Istanbul to discuss visa issues between the two countries, the exchange of diplomats and the work of diplomatic missions of the two countries.

The two countries have also exchanged prisoners under Saudi Arabian mediation, as Russia released famed basketball player, Brittney Griner, in exchange for Washington’s release of “merchant of death” Victor Bout.

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