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Washington to work with Beijing and Moscow to denuclearize North Korea

WASHINGTON, Jan. 27 (Yonhap) – Washington will work with its Japanese and South Korean allies, but also with China and Russia to denuclearize North Korea, said Linda Thomas-Greenfield, recently appointed US Ambassador to the United States on Wednesday. UN.

She also noted that the former Donald Trump administration may have failed to rid the North of its nuclear weapons because it tried to “go it alone.”

“We certainly need to reconnect with our allies. Once again, this is not something that we can do alone, ”she underlined during her confirmation hearing before the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee.

“I think one of the biggest failures of the Trump administration is that they tried to go it alone and our allies ended up kind of blaming themselves,” Thomas-Greenfield added.

President Joe Biden and his national security team, including Secretary of State Antony Blinken, have repeatedly stressed the need to restore US relations with its traditional allies, such as South Korea.

The candidate for the post of ambassador to the United Nations stressed the importance of working also with China and Russia, both considered friends, if not benefactors, of the impoverished North. China alone accounts for nearly 90% of the hermit kingdom’s global trade.

“To re-engage with South Korea and with Japan, as well as with China and Russia, in particular to push for their respect for a sanctions regime against North Korea, is going to be really important,” he said. explained Thomas-Greenfield during the hearing.

“The venue for these discussions will be New York at the United Nations, in addition to the higher-level commitments of the President and Secretary of State,” she added.

Biden had a phone conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on Tuesday, less than a week after taking office as president.

Blinken, who took office on Tuesday, has already had telephone conversations with his South Korean and Japanese counterparts, in which he stressed “the continued need to denuclearize North Korea,” according to the State Department.

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