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Washington sells munitions to Taiwan for $619 million

This sale comes at a time when tensions between Washington and Beijing are at their highest, particularly over Taiwan, which Communist China threatens to take by force one day.

By Le Figaro with AFP

Published update

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The Taiwanese army in the middle of a training exercise. EYEPRESS via Reuters Connect

The United States has approved the sale to Taiwan for $619 million of ammunition for its F-16 fighter jets, the Pentagon announced on Wednesday March 1. The sale, which risks offending Beijing, includes 100 AGM-88B high-velocity anti-radar missiles (HARM), 200 AIM-120C-8 advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles (AMRAAM), as well as launchers and missiles exercise dummies. The sale will strengthen the “Taiwan’s ability to ensure the defense of its airspace, regional security and interoperability with the United Statesthe Pentagon said.

It comes at a time when tensions between Washington and Beijing are at their highest, especially over Taiwan, which Communist China threatens to take by force one day, because it considers the democratic island as part of its territory. The US State Department has separately indicated that the Pentagon’s announced arms sale is consistent with traditional US positions toward Beijing and Taipei.¨“The United States’ support for Taiwan and the steps taken by this country to strengthen its self-defense capabilities contribute to the maintenance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and in the region”said the State Department.

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The Taiwanese government hailed the first arms sale announced by the United States this year, and the ninth under President Joe Biden. “In the face of China’s continued military expansion and provocative behavior, Taiwan will continue to actively improve its self-defense capabilities”said Taiwanese Foreign Ministry spokesman Jeff Liu.

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