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Washington Nurse Alerts for Possible New Symptom of Coronavirus

And the American Academy of Ophthalmology has already ruled on this alleged new signal from Covid-19

The nurse discovered that before dying, patients with coronavirus have red eyes.

Antonio Lacerda / EFE

One of the first hospitals to care for coronavirus patients in the United States is the Life Care Center in Kirkland, in Washington, where do you work a nurse named Chelsey Earnest, who for several days has treated dozens of people who have tested positive for this disease.

Chelsey has worked long hours and during these days, The nurse noted that all the cases that have tested positive for Covid-19 have presented something in common that so far, no health expert has stressed.


According to the nurse, all coronavirus patients they have red eyes.

“It is something that I witnessed in all patients. They have, like … allergy eyes. The white part of the eye is not red. It’s more like they have a red eye shadow on the outside of their eyes, “he explained in an interview for CNN.

This would add to the other coronavirus symptoms that have gradually come to light, such as the loss of the senses of taste and smell for a few days.

More evidence of the relationship between coronavirus and red eyes

The American Academy of Ophthalmology issued a statement last weekend where they warn that coronavirus can also cause conjunctivitis, Which could be related to the symptom Nurse Earnest is talking about.

“Several reports suggest that the virus can cause mild follicular conjunctivitis that is otherwise indistinguishable from other viral causes, and is possibly transmitted by aerosol contact with the conjunctiva,” explains the association in the text.

“Patients who come to ophthalmologists for conjunctivitis, who also have fever and respiratory symptoms, such as cough and shortness of breath, and who have recently traveled internationally, particularly to areas with known outbreaks or with family members who recently returned from one of these areas, could represent cases of Covid-19 ”, adds the report.

The nurse told CNN that patients at the Life Care Center often went from having no other symptoms but just red eyes to dying.

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