Student in the United States
Five years later, he had filed an application for registration in this name with a university located in Washington. After being accepted at this institution, he entered the United States in 2018 on a student visa. Until 2020, he lived under this cover, conducting studies in international relations, while gathering “information on Americans which he transmitted to the Russian services”, specifies the services of the prosecutor Matthew Graves.
Unmasked by the Dutch secret service
After leaving the United States in May 2020, he continued to use his university contacts to obtain information on American foreign policy, they add. In April 2022, he had attempted to enter as an intern at the International Criminal Court (ICC), which sits in The Hague, the Netherlands, and is investigating war crimes charges in Ukraine targeting Russia.
The Dutch secret services had unmasked him and refused him entry to Dutch soil. Sent back to Brazil, he was arrested there for fraud and sentenced in July to 15 years in prison. According to court documents, Moscow has sought his extradition, accusing him of drug trafficking dating back to 2011 and 2013.