Home » today » World » Was the youngest in Sweden to get a new heart – now Henry from Härnösand is a teenager

Was the youngest in Sweden to get a new heart – now Henry from Härnösand is a teenager

SVT has previously told about Henry Bohman, who was born under dramatic circumstances at Sundsvall’s hospital in 2010, when his heart did not work as it should. The doctors stated that the only chance was to give the newborn Henry a new heart, and the heart transplant that was done in Gothenburg was successful and saved his life.

He is now 13 years old and attends the seventh grade at an adapted primary school in Härnösand, because he has a moderate intellectual disability, with features of autism.

– His favorite pastimes are music, superheroes and reading books, says his mother Therese Bohman.

Whether Henry’s diagnosis has to do with the lack of oxygen in connection with his heart problems is nothing that has been mapped.

– Since we were already connected to the habilitation, an investigation was carried out. He received his diagnosis around the start of school, says Therese Bohman.

Lifelong form of treatment

Henry still goes for an annual check-up in Gothenburg and takes many medications daily. He will do that for the rest of his life.

But despite the difficult operation, there have been few complications and Henry has not had a single rejection in his first 13 years of life, which is otherwise common.

Mother Therese urges everyone to sign up for the donation register.

– I don’t attach importance to what you choose, but the main thing is that you make a choice. It is especially important for one’s relatives, says Therese Bohman.

Come home to Henry and his mother Therese in the video.

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