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Was the holiday hell in the Channel ports due to the bloody French mentality over Brexit or simply incompetence?

french farce

Was the holiday hell in the Channel ports due to France’s bloodthirsty Brexit mentality or simply its incompetence?

The rush of tourists from the UK to France at the start of the school holidays is as predictable as a French air traffic control strike in midsummer.

It happens every year.

Thanks to a backlog of French border police not showing up for work on Friday, British travelers had to endure a third day of chaos on the Channel yesterday, this time more at Folkestone than Dover.

French authorities, just as they did after their desperate staging of the Champions League final in Paris in May, were quick to blame anyone but themselves.

But to suggest that this weekend’s problems were due to Brexit is nonsense.

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Rishi or Liz, the next Prime Minister must win over the whole of the UK– – – – – – –

Passport checks are only a problem if the border police do so. And they do.

One would think that with 13 million UK visitors spending over £5 billion each year in their country, the French would welcome our tourists with open arms.

But it seems they have used up their entire red carpet, leaving it for illegal immigrants leaving France for Kent.

cash for failure

HOW poorly do Civil Service mandarins have to perform to lose their fat bonuses?

Last week it was the most senior official in the Home Office who received a lucrative pat on the back despite record migrant crossings at the Canal.

The heads of the Foreign Office received up to 10,000 pounds sterling despite the fact that the withdrawal from Afghanistan last August was described as


Meanwhile, the heads of the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency prepared tens of thousands of people despite a huge backlog of driving tests.

We now reveal how the heads of the Foreign Office received up to £10,000 despite the withdrawal from Afghanistan last August being described as ‘a disaster’.

And the top boss of the Parole Board, which recently freed Baby P’s monstrous mother, received a performance-related windfall.

Bosses at Homes England who failed to meet homebuilding targets will get up to £25,000, and those at the Competition Markets Authority, which has failed to stop petrol pump scams, will get up to £20,000.

Public spending is already too inflated.

These rewards for failure are a scandal.

We gave our son a strong, manly name, but the family laughed in our face.– – –

My neighbor has cut down a LOT of my tree - I am absolutely furious– – – – – – –

duke of danger

PRINCE Harry, who is currently suing the government for refusing to allow him to pay for police protection when he is in the UK, now has security problems at home.

US police have been called six times in 14 months to the mansion where Harry lives with his wife Meghan and their children in California.

American police have been called six times in 14 months to Harry and Meg's mansion


No doubt he will make a sizable donation to the local police charity fund to thank them for their vigilance.

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