Home » today » Entertainment » Was taken nude and blackmailed in Taiwan! “Grandpa and grandson love” Hong Kong tycoon died of cancer at the age of 84 | Movie | Hush!Star news

Was taken nude and blackmailed in Taiwan! “Grandpa and grandson love” Hong Kong tycoon died of cancer at the age of 84 | Movie | Hush!Star news

Lin Jianming, a well-known Hong Kong tycoon, died of lymphoma at the age of 84. Not only was he once a big boss of an entertainment company, he kept on laces throughout his life. After 70, he had a “grandfather and grandson relationship” with the actress He Tianer (then named He Aoer) who was 51 years younger than him. He made a clear line and refused to answer the phone. He also expressed his sadness to the media and wept in public. Amazingly, two years later, Lin Jianming gave a 4K diamond ring and held a ceremony with He Tianer to become a godfather.

Lin Jianming is the eldest son of Hong Kong’s super-rich patriarch Lin Baixin and Yuan Pei Yuanfang Lai. He is also the half-brother of the film and television tycoon Lin Jianyue. The two are called the “big young man” and “yue young man”. Very caring, dedicated to social welfare throughout his life, fully supports the development of sports and entertainment, and has made a lot of contributions to society. The first few marriages of Lin Jianming were all divorced. In his later years, he was surrounded by several young beauties. He was suave and romantic. In fact, he also had constant affair when he was young. His female companions were not limited to Chinese. Denmark, Britain, France and other places have had passionate relationships with local women. They even frankly said that having a female partner is not necessarily the same as being in love. They do not reject purely physical contact, revealing that only by practicing “Ba Duan Jin” can maintain the “hero” .

The most thrilling episode that happened to Lin Jianming was that Zeng’s villa in Taipei was infiltrated by kidnappers. After being stunned, he was taken nude photos and same-sex assault belts and extorted US$1 million, but he did not obey. After returning to Hong Kong, the photos were automatically provided to the media for publication, and six culprits were later brought to justice.

His four children, Lin Weishan, Lin Weiqi, Lin Weiqi, and Lin Xiaoxin, jointly issued a statement on the social network: “I wish to mourn and mourn. My father Lin Jianming passed away at the Sanatorium and Hospital on January 8 of illness. , His family is always by his side. My father has been involved in the business world and has a wide range of footprints. He also actively participates in entertainment, sports and public welfare affairs. He cares for his family, close friends and subordinates.”

Lin Jianming was photographed nude and sex movies in Taiwan before returning to Taiwan to identify the suspect.Picture/Photo of Newspaper Information

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