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Was it that hard being a mom?

I do yoga on Friday mornings. If you come home right after doing yoga, you will be buried in various household chores.

I felt like I went to the gym. These days, I follow a 5-kilometer running routine about four times a week.

That means running 20 kilometers a week. The record is getting better. Today I even finished 5 kilos in 31 minutes and 29 seconds.

I definitely feel like I am gaining more confidence in my running. However, this does not mean that you can run without any difficulties. When I first run, I feel excited and feel like I’m about to run, but when I check the time, only about 3 minutes have passed. Then, after running about 3 kilometers, I suddenly don’t want to run! A thought comes to mind. The desire to press the stop button on the treadmill explodes. Last weekend, I watched the broadcast of the marathon held in Gyeongju. In the past, I would have thought it was just a marathon and changed the channel without interest, but these days, if I get a taste of running, I look closely at the speed and distance they run, as well as the movements and angles of their legs and arms as they persevere. Even running 3 kilometers is tiring…

What on earth is it like to keep running for such a long time and such a long distance?

I’ve never even run 10 kilometers…

What if I had known the taste of running earlier? The same goes for yoga.

These days, two women in their 20s joined our apartment community yoga class. The heels are white and pink.

That’s what youth is like! Although I envy you, I also feel sorry for you because I think there are times when you are tired while doing your own life homework.

But his life’s homework still remains even after he turns 50.

I’ve been trying to maintain a healthy body and mind by running and doing yoga a lot these days, and occasionally riding an indoor bike in the evenings, but yesterday, the day before yesterday, my body was really in trouble… I prepared kimbap and fish cake soup ingredients for dinner, but I just couldn’t do it. I thought it wouldn’t work, so I just blanched a piece of front leg meat that I had left in the kimchi refrigerator, put it in anchovy broth, boiled it, and made pork soup with it.

Made it.

“I said I’d make kimbap for you, but I’m sorry. Mom, why is my body like this… I’m having a hard time today.”

“My sister’s birthday is coming up! It’s October! When it’s my mom’s birthday, she always catches a cold and coughs.”

“Ah! I see… Our youngest daughter is brave! Did you remember that?”

“Yes! And actually, I like mom’s pork soup better than I like kimbap!”

“Really? You’re so cute. What would you do, mom, if you didn’t give birth to our youngest child?”

“That sound all the time.”

When October comes when I first become a mother, my body feels heavy and my head hurts.

Maybe it’s because of the season when the cold wind starts, but what can I say? A lethargic state in which one feels strangely weak and one’s limbs hang down without strength. Even though it was 24 years ago, it still happens?!

Jiwon, was becoming a mother that difficult?

Lying on the sofa, I don’t know! Yes, you damn Siwol, catch me!

I’ve been staring at boring TV entertainment programs persistently, but this isn’t it!

This is me, who reached the highest weight of my life two years ago and has since lost 10 kg through yoga and running. You can’t collapse here!

I suddenly got up. Drink a drink that is said to replenish moisture and vitamins, then hop on an indoor bike.

I pedaled slowly. Let’s run it for just 10 minutes! I guess I gained vitality thanks to the vitamins and moisture.

Or maybe it was because I had played it before, but I was able to keep playing it without stopping and eventually completed 40 minutes.

Actually, I was a bit surprised. My abilities I wouldn’t have known about if I had just been lying around. Is this what the reward of exercise is like?

Sometimes people ask me about writing.

(I feel grateful to those people because it makes me feel like my past experience is respected!)

I answer as best I can. Anyway, if any of my experience or knowledge helps someone, I can’t help but do my best! But these days… when I’m running on the treadmill, I have something I want to say to someone running next to me.

That someone is a woman, most likely a mother, and some are in their late 30s to 40s or even 50s.

My advice to her, who completed a 5km routine in two and a half years, is probably better than that of a marathon runner who runs 42.195km.

It might be much more helpful!

“I’m running well right now, how about straightening my shoulders and strengthening my core?”

“I think running hard like that will have a big impact on your knees. Instead of running like hitting the floor with a sledgehammer,

“How about running as if you were tapping the floor with a cotton mallet?”

“You should never overdo it, you should very slowly increase the running time little by little!”

“When I get on the treadmill, rather than thinking about running 5 kilometers, I just start by thinking, ‘Let’s just walk for 10 minutes!’”

Someday, if someone has the courage to ask me a question, I will do my best to answer.

Next Monday, we will be with our yoga teacher and the best ace in our yoga class, OO.

I promised to practice Ashtanga yoga. During my last outdoor yoga session, I did 80 Ashtanga yoga exercises.

This time, I might try number 100. A life of exercise. It’s so fun!

The exercise diary continues.

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