Home » Entertainment » Was “Charlie Chaplin’s assessment” of the intellectual crisis in his world drastic? – 2024-05-09 14:42:07

Was “Charlie Chaplin’s assessment” of the intellectual crisis in his world drastic? – 2024-05-09 14:42:07

/ world today news/ The UN global compact on migration was not signed by half of Europe and by the “emigrant” countries USA, Australia, Israel. It was signed by Russia and the leading €-democracies, often headed by people who did not undertake to raise and educate at least one child in their family. Even European! And weak leaders, without real visions, pass the ball to the international bureaucracy…

To the credit of our government and the opposition, Bulgaria did not even participate in the Marrakesh Forum of the signatory states. In the New York Declaration of the UN General Assembly / 20.09.2016, it was foreseen that by the end of 2018, another “reminder” document “Global Compact for Refugees” would be adopted, about which suspiciously nothing has been announced. I get the impression that, with the exception of some experts, neither politicians nor journalists are aware of the two documentaries. Not only here. In an interview for “hlavnespravy.sk”/11.12.tg. the former Slovakian Minister of Internal Affairs with 10 years of experience in the post, Robert Kaliniak (with a Bessarabian Bulgarian mother) considers that the topic is politically deformed by “politic-sunflowers” and by incompetents. According to the “refugee pact”, the ex-minister believes that refugees are not granted asylum. Some countries gave it to them and now they have huge problems with it. According to him, many citizens do not understand the migrant theme and do not recognize the differences between fugitives, refugees (=asylum seekers), /illegal/ migrants, incl. economic … and ISIS/Daesh members. Even some world politicians do not understand the dramatic differences between different categories of aliens (according to Ankara, “expatriates”), on whose recognition depends the application of completely different sometimes legal norms. So e.g. the Chechens in Austria, accepted by the previous government for political reasons as refugees from the war (the refugees are from neighboring countries, Bel. OG), all were granted asylum. BUT: 1. This was in violation of EU asylum rules; 2. Almost all of these approximately 250 people turned out to be ISIS “fighters”.

The compact relieves countries from which migrants should not come from responsibility for their own citizens. And this responsibility is transferred to

the shoulders of the countries in the West according to the inadmissible philosophy that if e.g. people in Congo are bad, then let them live in Germany or Slovakia.

With ironic hyperbolization, Kaliniak hints that in 2015, when the police and firefighters were guarding the border, he “had to” release the wave of migrants for a few weeks so that people would understand what it was about. The experienced politician, who filed in March this year resigning under “maintenance pressure”, thinks real refugees from wars should be given temporary protection. As during the military operations in the former FRY, there were many Croats and Bosniaks in Slovakia who returned home after their completion. That is, a temporary measure for people from neighboring countries in case of military conflict. Without receiving permanent asylum and becoming an integral part of the Slovak state. There were temporary fugitives in Gabchikovo, they did not allow accidents and left.

In our country, there are abundant beneficiaries and uncritical paid plasterers of the neo-colonial, oligarchic model for the reduction of Bulgaria through “civilizational choice and market economy”, defending the rights of the fugitives. Forgetting that “our” migrants are almost entirely illegal and that under Article 218 of the Penal Code they are subject to a penalty of imprisonment for about 5 years. And along with non-identifiability, they are unsuitable for Bulgaria in terms of structure, educational qualification, gender, work habits; often also in terms of health status, carrying dangerous diseases for which we Europeans have no immunity, etc. And our law enforcement and law-enforcement bodies seem to be often squeamish.

One of the most vocal critics of the Islamic refugees is the Lebanese-born German director and screenwriter Imad Karim. According to Mirka Haasova’s published notes, I. Karim is convinced that these people are yet to become even more radicalized. “The fugitives are not pioneers to create something new, but fanatical destroyers of culture, of what has been built for centuries. In their homelands, the refugees from North Africa, from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan have not been able to build civil societies, because for 1400 years they have been entangled in the toxic dogmas of Sharia”. The UN, the European Union, Amnesty International and purpose-sponsored NGOs do not take these fugitives’ personal responsibility for birth control beyond their “desire to be educated; to learn honesty, respect for others, for women and even for those of a different sexual orientation”. The most powerful international organizations listed, according to Ms. Haasova’s notes, now forbid the public of those countries that host them to defend themselves against destructive migration. These are the same international organizations that dare not call on rich Islamic countries to accept their fellow refugees. Imrad Karim is emotional: “Europe, Germany are dying like this! We ask for forgiveness children and grandchildren that through immigrants we are destroying our civilization!”

The post concludes with a quote from the genius-star of silent cinema, Charlie Chaplin, who died in 1977, in my opinion, too drastic (Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin) with reference to Pavel Fendek from his monograph “Súmrak europskoj civilizácie. Barbari sa zmocnjuu Europy” (=”Twilight of European civilization. Barbarians take over Europe”) : The Western public is so degenerate that it doesn’t realize how mentally damaged it is itself. Some ideas are that much (with apology! Com.: OG) idiotic that only someone can believe in them (Note OG: Western European) intellectual”.

Low-intelligence are the arguments and hints of the propaganda mainstream from Brussels, e.g. in the statements of E. Macron, A. Merkel or the former president of the Bundestag, Rita Süssmuth, that the new member states sucked up European funds and did not show solidarity with the will of “old Europeans” to accept migrant quotas. Coyly omitting the responsibility of colonialist Old Europe to former colonies? Also: the developed democracies + our overseas mentors miss the fact that “in exchange” for the European funds, Bulgaria was deindustrialized up to 90%, with a broken agriculture, lost 96% of its foreign markets and, for socio-economic reasons, served as a source of cheap labor. Without going back, but according to the Bulgarian opposition, Bulgaria had reached the 28th place in “quality of life” and the 29th place in “human development”. Well, European funds are a low compensation for the Bulgarian contributions to the EU, the ruin of the economy, the mass emigration to the West; to push packages like Macron’s (for drivers); for not providing hosting to any European agency, indirectly related to the opening of jobs and realization in our country of qualified students, etc.

Our supporters also miss the modest fact that even without the new emigrants from the third world, the objective fact that the majority of Gypsies who are unadaptable to social contact and life live in Central and Eastern Europe (in Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, Serbia) is enough for “New Europe” , Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece, FYROM), and the Roma “Western European presence” per capita is relatively symbolic, with the exception of Spain. Only in our Bulgaria live as many gypsies as in France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Holland, Austria, Belgium, taken together (See in ogniangarkov.blog.bg:»Amateur treatise on Bulgarian and other Euro-Atlantic (€/$)- gypsies” 10.08.2017, published in frognews.bg, “Zemya”, etc.)! And even the CHEP (=member of the European Parliament) from VMRO Jambazki rejected the idea launched by the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivan Bashev, who died on 13.12.1971, to resettle the gypsies who do not wish to assimilate European orders to their ancestral homeland of India. Voluntary at first. Moreover, Indian politicians have repeatedly declared such readiness, and in the mentioned CEE countries the idea is not without supporters among the political elites. And passivity doesn’t help…

The Prime Minister correctly understood that Bulgarians are afraid of attacks like in France and elsewhere in Western Europe, already carried out by second and third generation local citizens with a higher melanin content in their skin. At 14 t.m. on BNT, Valeria Veleva rightly rejected in front of Emil Koshlukov a comparison of Bulgarian Muslims with the mentioned unsuccessfully integrated European-assassins with Asian and African roots in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, etc. But she failed or did not dare to point out that we perceive ourselves with the natives in question mutually and because the majority of them, Islamized during the centuries of slavery of the Ottomans, have a high percentage of Bulgarian ethnic roots.

The ethno-demographic aggression against the Old Continent will continue. In the conditions of European NON-security, along with measures to secure the Bulgarian borders, forms of control over Europeans with Islamic roots visiting Bulgaria should be sought.

#Charlie #Chaplins #assessment #intellectual #crisis #world #drastic

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