Home » today » Business » Warsaw. Two Impulses for SKM have reached Warsaw. Presentation of new trains [ZDJĘCIA]

Warsaw. Two Impulses for SKM have reached Warsaw. Presentation of new trains [ZDJĘCIA]

Two of the 21 new SKM trains have already reached the capital. Their official presentation took place on Wednesday. New Impulsy II are to appear on the S2 line from Sulejówek to Chopin Airport in the first quarter of this year. Each car will have USB chargers, free Wi-Fi and defibrillators. Passengers will also have plenty of space to transport prams and bicycles.

The new Impuls II trains were presented in the hall on the Warszawa-Wola railway siding. One of the trains is painted in the colors of the European Union. This has to do with the fact that the previous year was the European Year of Railways. – By the way, we would also like to remind you how important the membership in the European Union is, how much Warsaw benefited from it – said the Mayor of Warsaw Rafał Trzaskowski during the press conference. As he noted, from the beginning of its presence in the EU, Warsaw has gained over PLN 18 billion.

– This year is the Youth Year, therefore, I hope that these colors will contribute to the fact that young people will choose the means of public transport not only because it is financially attractive and ecological. But also because it is modern, fast and comfortable – emphasized Alan Beroud, president of the board of Szybka Kolej Miejska.

The special painting of the train is also related to the fact that it is the 200th train set of the Impuls model.


The first trains will go on the S2 line

The first two four-unit vehicles arrived in Warsaw three months ahead of the contracted date. Their producer is NEWAG from Nowy Sącz. – We will try to accelerate the delivery until the last ordered vehicle, the delivery of which is scheduled for the end of November this year – said the vice president of the board of the company Józef Michalik.

– This is the largest investment carried out by SKM in Warsaw. It will translate into an increase in passenger comfort – noted the president of SKM. – We will introduce the new Impulses into the schedule in the first quarter of this year – he added. The first passengers will be able to use them on the S2 line from Sulejówek to Chopin Airport.

The door and kettle in the driver’s cabin

The new trains can reach speeds of 160 km / h and will take from 835 (5-unit) to 680 (4-unit) passengers. Each composition includes USB chargers, free Wi-Fi and a defibrillator. There are also places for prams and comfortable bicycle stands.

There are also many facilities for handling. – External mirrors have been added, which, apart from external monitoring, enable observation of the platform and safe exit from the platform. The mirrors close automatically after leaving, said the driver, SKM instructor Mirosław Jarosławski. The cabin has comfortable pneumatic seats that adjust to the weight and a camera that monitors the driver’s behavior. The driver also has all the switches at hand.

– An extremely important convenience is the external door to the cabin, which in an emergency allows you to leave the vehicle, assess a possible incident while securing the passenger compartment at the same time – said Jarosławski. In previous vehicles, the driver had to exit through the first door of the passenger compartment. There is also a kettle in the cabin for the driver, where he can make coffee or tea during the break. “This is a big leap from previous vehicles, and I have been driving trains for over 30 years,” added the driver.

The SKM train manager, Dorota Masarzewska, noticed that the new trains mostly had a lot of space and there was a cabin for the train manager. – We fought for it for a very long time and finally the president heeded our requests – she added. In the manager’s cabin there is a microphone through which you can transmit voice messages, a table, a very comfortable armchair and lockable cabinets.

There is also a screen where you can see what is happening on the train. – What the driver saw, we can now observe – said Dorota Masarzewska. – The blowers at the doors that blow warm air are also sensational. The train manager, wearing only a suit, comes out and hides back. Our temperature changes and someone gets sick all the time. And now it will be warmer – emphasized the train manager.

21 new trains for the Warsaw SKM

The contract for SKM concerns 21 vehicles: 15 five-car and six four-car. The entire order amounts to PLN 668 million.

– The agglomeration railway, fast, modern and comfortable, is the basis for the city development plan and for public transport that we focus on. In these times when it is so important to save energy, to fight the climate crisis – summed up the Mayor of Warsaw.

photo-source">Main photo source: Wojciech Olkuśnik / PAP

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