Home » today » News » Warsaw. Policemen detained the chairman of the commission. He was drunk

Warsaw. Policemen detained the chairman of the commission. He was drunk

The police detained the chairman of one of the electoral commissions. The man was drunk. Still, he went to move the car. During the maneuvers he hit another so hard that the noise caught the attention of a police patrol.

The incident occurred in Praga Południe. Sylwester Marczak, spokesman for the Warsaw Police Headquarters, said that the chairman of one of the electoral commissions caused a collision. – First he opened the premises, then he went to move the car – describes the spokesman. – Then damaged another car – he adds.

Police officers who patrolled the area heard the blow. They intervened. – The man had 2.5 per mil in the body – said the spokesman.

Presidential election

On Sunday at 7.00 the voting in the presidential election began. We will select the president of the country from among 11 candidates.

From midnight from Friday to Saturday until the end of voting (Sunday 21.00), election silence applies across Poland. During the campaign you must not conduct electoral agitation, that is, publicly incline or encourage to vote in a certain way. This means that you may not convene assemblies, organize parades and demonstrations, give speeches or distribute electoral materials. Election silence also applies on the Internet.


Head of the CWB: everyone who appears before 21 will be able to voteTVN24

photo-source">Source of main photo: Shutterstock

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