Home » today » World » “Warriors for Peace” – Address to the sovereign and the institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria – 2024-02-16 19:11:12

“Warriors for Peace” – Address to the sovereign and the institutions in the Republic of Bulgaria – 2024-02-16 19:11:12

/ world today news/ Let’s unite around the national cause “Bulgaria above all”! The reconciliation of the nation is an alternative to confrontation in society and the only motive for the President of Bulgaria in this difficult moment to be with us – the Bulgarians!


Dear fellow citizens, Mr. President, representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, worthy Bulgarian sisters and brothers!

We live in decisive and fateful for the future of Bulgaria time. War takes over our daily life and our sleep. The domestic political situation is complex and criminalized. The trust of the sovereign in the constitutionally established authorities has collapsed. Crises and problems of all kinds accompany the nation and the state. The actions of the authorities doom the national interests. The rule of law is a mirage. People are impoverished and their lives become meaningless. The country continues to depopulate.

Instead unity of the nation to get out of this national catastrophe, we are witnessing growing confrontation, opposition and the imposition of new dividing lines in society.

Paradoxically, they overlap actions and factswho say that our government is rather a government of Ukraine /or someone else’s/ but not of Bulgaria.

  • Bulgarian national interests are ignored.

  • The defense capabilities of the country are being eliminated.

  • Bulgaria is becoming an unsafe place for people to live.

  • National sovereignty is trampled upon.

  • It encroaches on the basic law of the land. The proposed changes to the Constitution are directed against the state and the Bulgarian citizens.

  • Unprincipled, for political reasons, actions were taken to change the national holiday. Two holy dates for the Bulgarian people – March 3 and May 24 – are opposed to each other quite deliberately, with frivolous motives.

  • Synchronized actions of the Government and Parliament are underway to control the special services for party purposes and to satisfy corporate interests.

  • At the most inopportune moment for the state, a heavy blow is dealt to the law enforcement agencies of the national security sector. The withdrawal of the authority of the head of state to appoint the directors of services and the chief secretary of the Ministry of the Interior by decree is pending.

  • An unjustified war is being waged against the national memory. The history of not only the Second World War is persistently being rewritten. On the agenda is the self-serving realization of the “ordered dream” of psycho-right activists to destroy the monument to the Soviet Army. And in this case, nothing logical or constructive has any significance, except the task of “provoking extreme opposition of the Bulgarian society”.

Many more facts can be listed that convincingly indicate that the country is being pushed towards a civil war – the aim is “Maidan” and a national catastrophe.

We, the representatives of patriotic and military-patriotic organizations we are decided to make the necessary efforts for the salvation of Bulgaria. We are addressing today to all those who love Bulgaria, regardless of ethnicity, religion, gender, age and party affiliation to support with active civic actions on 6 and 16 September “NATIONAL CITIZEN MARCH FOR PEACE AND SALVATION OF BULGARIA”

1. We call for civil maturity and vigilance! Coordinate your actions with professional security and defense organizations to prevent provocative initiatives from pushing popular discontent towards the Bulgarian Maidan and civil war.

2. Let’s unite around the national cause “Bulgaria above all”! The reconciliation of the nation is an alternative to confrontation in society and the only motive for the President of Bulgaria in this difficult moment to be with us – the Bulgarians!

3. Let’s all give our due and make efforts to turn Bulgaria into a Bridge for Peace and prevent the country from being involved in military actions!

4. It is the sovereign who must make decisions on the vital issues of the nation, such as changes to the Constitution and the war on national memory. The time has come for the sovereign to take his destiny into his own hands – we wish for a Referendum for peace and sovereignty!

5. It is paradoxical at a time when there are real risks of turning Bulgaria into a war zone, to decapitate the security authorities and services, as well as to brazenly politicize their activities. We warn – this is an anti-Bulgarian policy with unpredictable consequences, and our campaign to save Bulgaria stands behind the defense of national interests!

6. We appeal to all patriotic Bulgarians to join the National March for Peace and FOR BULGARIA, which will be held on the 6th and 16 September in the capital and dozens of cities of the country. We call for civic maturity and not allowing degraded elements and provocateurs to push popular discontent towards the Bulgarian Maidan and civil war.



OIS “WARRIORS FOR PEACE” Gen. Col Tsvetan Totomirov
gen. Major Stoimen Stoimenov

BNSM – prof. Nako Stefanov


OSM – Prof. Vanya Dobreva

LEFT VIEW – Dr. Rumen Petkov

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