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Warning strikes on Tuesday: local transport affected | NDR.de – Nachrichten – Lower Saxony

Status: 09/28/2020 2:55 p.m. – NDR 1 Lower Saxony

City workers protest in Hanover.

Around 150 employees in the city of Hanover demonstrated with banners for better working conditions and higher salaries. Their protest was the prelude to a warning strike that lasted several days in Lower Saxony, which the ver.di union had called for. Work also stopped in the vehicle registration office. “I would not register my car today,” said a ver.di spokesman about the work stoppages. Employees of the public order office and the professional fire brigade are also involved in the warning strike. From Tuesday, the union will expand the protests – then public transport will also be affected. For example, all Üstra buses and trams remain in the depots in Hanover.

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Public service demonstrators in a strike by Ver.di.

VIDEO: Ver.di calls for more wages in the public sector (1 min)

Outstanding events in Braunschweig, Salzgitter and Wolfsburg

In southern Lower Saxony, the protests begin on Tuesday, with a focus on Braunschweig, Salzgitter and Wolfsburg. According to Ver.di, among other things, the employees of the energy supplier BS-Energy are called to walk out, as well as the employees in the Salzgitter town hall and the Wolfsburg Clinic. The employees of the employment agency in Braunschweig and Salzgitter have also announced strikes. Daycare centers are not called for. According to the union, the bus drivers want to be in Wolfsburg, among others, Göttingen and Osnabrück stop their work.

Strikes at the clinic and the Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven

Ver.di also has strikes in the neighboring country Bremen announced. According to the union, actions in the Reinkenheide Clinic and at the Alfred Wegener Institute are among others Bremerhaven planned. On Thursday, cleaners in daycare centers and schools also want to stop work.

First ver.di campaigns in Verden and Lüneburg

Public service workers strike in front of the town hall in Lüneburg.  © picture alliance / Philipp Schulze Photo: Philipp Schulze

According to ver.di, around 350 employees at the Lüneburg town hall demanded more wages in the public sector on Friday.

The first week of warning strikes in Lower Saxony came to an end on Friday with a rally at Lüneburg City Hall. Around 350 employees had gathered on the square to demand more wages from Mayor Ulrich Mädge (SPD), as ver.di said. Mädge leads the nationwide negotiations for the Association of Municipal Employers’ Associations (VKA). Verden kicked off on Thursday. According to ver.di, up to 150 employees stopped their work there. Actions were also planned in Hildesheim.

The next round of negotiations begins at the end of October

The union calls for the nationwide 2.3 million employees in the public service of the federal government and local authorities 4.8 percent more wages, but at least an increase of 150 euros per month. The employers have not yet submitted an offer in the first two rounds of negotiations. The third round of negotiations is scheduled for October 22nd and 23rd.

additional Information

Strikers on the Alster.  © NDR Photo: Anna Rüter

Hamburg’s hospitals and daycare centers were on strike in the wage conflict between the public sector. More than 220 daycare centers from various providers were affected. more

In the foreground is a sign that says

The ver.di union called for warning strikes in the north on Friday. Next week there is a threat of a standstill on buses and trains as well as other impairments. The background is the wage conflict. more

A sign that reads: This company is on strike.  © dpa-Bildfunk Photo: Moritz Frankenberg

Following failed collective bargaining, the public service has announced warning strikes. Daycare centers, swimming pools or offices could close from Tuesday. More at tagesschau.de (20.09.2020)

Woman with ver.di logo on her cheek and whistle in her mouth.  © dpa photo: Frank May

The unions are demanding 4.8 percent more wages in the public sector. This is “not realistic” because of the Corona crisis, says the negotiator of the other side, Lüneburg’s Mayor Madge. (01.09.2020) more

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NDR 1 Lower Saxony | Current | 09/28/2020 | 14:00 clock

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