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Warning strike – airline spokesman: Today everything is back to schedule – FFH.de

Lufthansa warning strike
Airline says: Starting today again on schedule

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One word is booming here this morning at Frankfurt Airport: Cancelled. Almost every Lufthansa flight is canceled because the Verdi union has called on ground staff to go on strike. The departure hall has been empty since this morning. Many passengers stayed at home. Check-in counters are deserted. The ads say “Closed due to strike.” Security checkpoints are blocked.

In the meantime, more and more people are bustling about at the few counters where they can change their flights. And that’s where you come across the fate of shattered holiday dreams. I spoke to a young man who actually wanted to fly to the Dominican Republic for nine days. He can tick that off now. He will no longer be able to take the flight. At least he hopes to get his money back.

The strike will probably also have an impact on flights that are scheduled to take place tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The next round of negotiations is scheduled to take place in early August. Between Lufthansa and Verdi. If the two parties are still as far apart as they are now, Verdi does not rule out further warning strikes.

After the strike at Lufthansa, everything should be back to normal from 6 a.m. today. An airline spokesman told our reporter. In order to achieve this, more flights were canceled yesterday, they say. However, there could still be occasional failures.

With the warning strike by Lufthansa ground staff, the Verdi union had largely paralyzed flight operations at Frankfurt Airport. In total, more than 1000 flights were canceled with around 134,000 passengers affected.

Transfer passengers stranded

Our on-site reporter reported empty waiting halls, closed counters and only a few passengers. After the initial emptiness in the terminal, long queues of travelers formed in front of the few manned counters in the morning. These are mostly foreign tourists who wanted to rebook their onward flight.

The day before, Lufthansa had asked passengers to contact the company digitally if possible in order to organize new flights or temporary accommodation. “Unfortunately, we can hardly help here at the airport at the moment,” said a local company spokesman. It is also very difficult to find alternative travel options in the coming days because of the mostly heavily booked flights. In individual cases, guests may have to wait several days for their onward flight.

Is my plane on time? Here you can check arrivals, departures and flight cancellations at Frankfurt Airport.

Verdi spokesman Marvin Reschinsky justifies the warning strike:

We have a great deal of understanding for the passengers. But there is also annoyance among the employees of the management, because the management cut too many staff during the crisis and cannot find any new employees. And that’s why we’ve been experiencing these chaotic conditions at the airports for weeks. Lufthansa would have had the opportunity to reverse the strike with a good offer. She did not use this opportunity. And that’s why the workers unfortunately have to go on strike today.

Accusations between Verdi and Lufthansa

Verdi and Lufthansa accused each other of being responsible for the situation. Lufthansa deliberately refrained from negotiating again after the warning strike was announced, said Verdi strike leader Marvin Reschinsky. He is now hoping for a quick, good result. “We clearly expect Lufthansa to step up the pace in the next week so that air traffic can run again.” A high degree is also a sign of relief for existing staff when Lufthansa offers newcomers more attractive jobs.

Lufthansa spokesman Martin Leutke described the warning strike as “unnecessary, excessive and far too extensive”. The company finally submitted a substantial offer that could have been discussed further. However, Verdi decided to carry out the conflict on the backs of the passengers. “There was no need for such a strike.”

No new strike until next week

Lufthansa customers do not have to fear any further action by the Verdi union, at least until the next round of talks in the coming week. Verdi negotiator Christine Behle said in the morning on the ZDF “Morgenmagazin” in response to a corresponding question: “I can rule that out.” Verdi and Lufthansa want to talk again on August 3rd and 4th about the salaries and working conditions of the approximately 20,000 ground workers.

725 flights canceled

At the largest German airport, 725 of 1,160 planned flights were canceled on Wednesday, as a spokesman for the operator Fraport explained. This also affects flights from other companies, which are usually looked after by Lufthansa ground staff. Lufthansa itself had given the number of 646 strike-related flight cancellations for Wednesday. Flights from Lufthansa Group companies such as Swiss, Austria, Brussels and Air Dolomiti were also canceled. In addition, machines from Croatian, United, Air Canada or the Polish LOT could not take off.

Flight cancellations nationwide

In addition to the hubs in Frankfurt and Munich, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Berlin, Bremen, Hanover, Stuttgart and Cologne are also affected. The Lufthansa Group usually maintains smaller units there, which also offer their services to other airlines. In Bavaria, Friday is the last day of school before the summer holidays.

Passengers without transfers should not come to the airports because “little if any” service counters will be open there, the company warned.

Warning strike goes until Thursday morning

The walkout started at 3:45 a.m. this morning and is expected to last until 6 a.m. Thursday morning. Very different groups of employees are called upon, such as counter staff, aircraft technicians or the drivers of the huge tow tractors that push aircraft into the correct positions at the airport. Without these services, the jets cannot take off any more than they do without pilots or cabin crew.

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