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Warning, STDs can be the gateway to HIV

KOMPAS. comSexually transmitted disease it is a health problem that is transmitted through contact or sexual intercourse.

The disease is also known as sexually transmitted infection It can also be passed on from pregnant women to their fetuses through childbirth.

Types sexually transmitted disease which often attack include chlamydia infection, gonorrhea, genital herpes, human papilloma virus (HPV), to syphilis.

Not only easily transmitted through sexual contact, STDs can also be a gateway to HIV. Check out the following explanation.

Read also: 7 dangers of oral sex from STDs to watch out for

How is an STD a gateway to HIV?

According to FrIndonesian Association of Dermatologists and Venereologistspeople with STDs are at higher risk of contracting HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) than in people without this sexually transmitted infection.

The reason is the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases and the like HIV. These include through the exchange of bodily fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal fluids and mucus in the anus.

Also, people with STDs generally have wounds, some of which aren’t rough to the eye because they’re quite small.

Quoting the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website, this small wound opening also allows HIV to enter the body.

For this reason, every person with an STI is usually also advised to have an HIV test.

Read also: 8 sexually transmitted infections that often attack

Risk factors for sexually transmitted diseases and HIV

Please note that the risk factors for STDs and HIV are basically the same, namely:

  • Frequently changing sexual partners
  • Have sex with people who like to have multiple sexual partners
  • Do not use condoms when having risky sex
  • Your partner has a sexually transmitted disease
  • Use of drugs, especially parenterally

After hearing the above explanation of how STDs can be a gateway to HIV, it’s a good idea to avoid the above risk factors. By avoiding them, you made a move prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.

Read also: Can sexually transmitted infections be cured?

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