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“Warning: Lack of Water During Ramadan Can Lead to Kidney Failure, Says Professor”

09:33 PM

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Dr. Hossam Mowafi, Professor of Critical Cases at the Faculty of Medicine, Kasr Al-Ainy, warned of a wrong habit that many people commit during the holy month of Ramadan.

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Muwafi said during his program “My Lord, Increase Me in Knowledge”, broadcast on Sada Al-Balad channel, that the wrong habit he means is “lack of drinking water in Ramadan.”

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Watch: How do you remember to drink water in Ramadan? “video

The professor of critical care medicine added that decreased urine is one of the signs of lack of drinking water in Ramadan, stressing that its damage is not limited to dehydration of the body, but also includes kidney failure.

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He explained that lack of drinking water increases the risk of kidney failure, because with the decrease in fluids in the body, creatinine levels in the blood rise sharply.

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Mowafi stressed that the elderly are among the categories that do not drink enough water throughout the day, because with age, thirst and hunger decrease, stressing the need to give them a glass of water every 4 hours.

Also read: For the elderly.. 6 symptoms that warn of the need to break the fast

2023-04-16 19:41:47

#Damages #caused #lack #drinking #water #Ramadan #Hossam #Mowafi #kidneys #threatened #disease

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