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Warning: High Levels of Escherichia coli in Arve River Pose Health Risks for Nautical Activities

Abnormally high levels of the faecal bacterium Escherichia coli were measured in the water of the Arve at La Jonction, in Geneva. The canton “strongly advises against” any nautical activity that could lead to the ingestion of bathing water in the Arve as well as in the Rhône after the Junction”.

The pollution results from a technical incident that occurred on July 12 at the Ocybèle wastewater treatment plant (STEP), in Gaillard (Haute-Savoie), which led to a total shutdown of the purification capacities, the cantonal authorities indicated on Friday. Geneva. Thus, the waste water flowed into the Arve.

The operation of the STEP has been partially restored in the meantime, and the French operators are hoping for a complete overhaul next week.

The cantonal recommendation to avoid any nautical activity concerns not only swimming but also sports such as kayaking, paddle or rafting.

Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

The bacterium Escherichia coli may cause nausea, vomiting or diarrhea. Most of the time, these problems go away after a few days.

In case of symptoms, it is recommended to hydrate sufficiently and to consult a health professional if the inconvenience persists.


2023-07-15 07:18:30
#Swimming #recommended #Arve #Geneva #faecal #bacteria

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