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Warning for very cold weather and frosts renewed in 13 provinces – Ruralnet

Violet level warning renewed for very low temperatures.

The area will continue to be affected by low temperatures, below normal values. Minimum temperatures are expected to be between -3 ° C and 4 ° C, while maximum temperatures will range between 8 ° C and 13 ° C.

the weather in winter 2021

Affected areas:

Buenos Aires: Bahía Blanca Coast – Coronel Dorrego Coast – Coronel de Marina Coast Leonardo Rosales – Villarino Coast – Monte Hermoso – North of Bahía Blanca – West of Patagones – West of Villarino – Puan – Lower area of ​​Coronel Pringles – Lower area of ​​Coronel Suárez – Lower area of ​​Saavedra – Lower area of ​​Tornquist – Adolfo Alsina – Daireaux – Guaminí – Pellegrini – Salliqueló – Trenque Lauquen – Tres Lomas – Azul – Rauch – Tapalqué – Lower area of ​​Benito Juárez – Lower area of ​​Tandil – General Alvear – General Belgrano – General Paz – Las Flores – Lobos – Monte – Navarro – Roque Pérez – Saladillo – Brandsen – Cañuelas – West of Magdalena – San Vicente – Campana – Exaltation of the Cross – San Antonio de Areco – Zárate – Baradero – Ramallo – San Nicolás – San Pedro – Arrecifes – Capitán Sarmiento – Carmen de Areco – Chacabuco – Colón – General Arenales – General Pinto – Junín – Leandro N. Alem – Lincoln – Pergamino – Rojas – Salto – Florentino Ameghino – General Villegas – Rivadavia – Bolí var – Carlos Casares – Carlos Tejedor – Hipólito Yrigoyen – Pehuajó – Alberti – Bragado – Chivilcoy – General Viamonte – Nine of July – Twenty-five of May – Florentino Ameghino – General Villegas – Rivadavia – General Las Heras – General Rodríguez – Luján – Marcos Paz – Mercedes – San Andrés de Giles – Suipacha – Adolfo Gonzales Chaves – Lobería Center – North of Coronel Dorrego – North of Necochea – North of San Cayetano – North of Tres Arroyos – Ayacucho – Balcarce – General Guido – Maipú – Northwest of General Juan Madariaga – Northwest of Mar Chiquita – West of General Pueyrredón – West of Castelli – West of Chascomús – West of Dolores – West of General Lavalle – West of Lezama – West of Punta Indio – West of Tordillo – Pila – Coast of General Pueyrredón – Coast of Mar Chiquita – General Alvarado – Lobería Coast – Necochea Coast – San Cayetano Coast – Tres Arroyos Coast – Pinamar – Southeast of General Juan Madariaga – Villa Gesell – East of Castelli – East of Chascomús – East of Dolores – East of Lezama – East of Magdalena – East of Punta Indio – East of Tordillo

Autonomous City of Buenos Aires:

Catamarca: Mountainous area of ​​Andalgalá – Mountainous area of ​​Santa María – Mountainous area of ​​Chicligasta – Mountainous area of ​​Juan Bautista Alberdi – Mountainous area of ​​Lules – Mountainous area of ​​Monteros – Mountainous area of ​​Río Chico – Mountainous area of ​​Tafí Viejo – Mountainous area of ​​Tafí del Valley – Valleys of Santa María – Valleys of Tafí del Valle

Córdoba: General Roca – Presidente Roque Sáenz Peña – Juárez Celman – Lower area of ​​Río Cuarto – Río Primero – Río Segundo – Tercero Arriba – San Justo – Ischilín – Río Seco – Sobremonte – Tulumba – Lower area of ​​Cruz del Eje – Lower area of ​​Minas – Highland area of ​​Calamuchita – Highland area of ​​Río Cuarto – General San Martín – Marcos Juárez – Unión

Between rivers: Gualeguay – Victoria – Colón – Gualeguaychú – Ibicuy Islands – Tala – Uruguay

The Pampa: Curacó – Lihuel Calel – Caleu Caleu – Hucal – Chical Co – Puelén – Chalileo – Limay Mahuida – Loventué – Atreucó – Capital – Catriló – Conhelo – Guatraché – Quemú Quemú – Toay – Utracán – Chapaleufú – Maracó – Rancul – Realicó – Trenel – Chalileo – Limay Mahuida – Loventué

The Rioja: General Juan Facundo Quiroga – General San Martín – Rosario Vera Peñaloza – Chamical – General Belgrano – General Ocampo – Arauco – Capital – Castro Barros – Sanagasta

Mendoza: Lower area of ​​Malargüe – General Alvear – Lower area of ​​San Rafael – Junín – Rivadavia – Valleys of Luján de Cuyo – Valleys of San Carlos – Valleys of Tunuyán – Valleys of Tupungato – East of Las Heras – La Paz – Lavalle – San Martín – Santa Rosa

Jump: Valleys of Cachi – Valleys of Cafayate – Valleys of Chicoana – Valleys of La Caldera – Valleys of La Poma – Valleys of Molinos – Valleys of Rosario de Lerma – Valleys of San Carlos

San Juan: May 25 – Angaco – Caucete – San Martín – Valle Fértil – Lower area of ​​Jáchal

Saint Louis: Governor Dupuy – Lower area of ​​Belgrano – Lower area of ​​Juan Martín de Pueyrredón – Lower area of ​​Coronel Pringles – Lower area of ​​General Pedernera – Highland area of ​​Ayacucho – Highland area of ​​Belgrano – Highland area of ​​Coronel Pringles – Highland area of ​​Juan Martín de Pueyrredón – Mountain zone of Libertador General San Martín – Lower zone of Ayacucho

Santa Fe: Caseros – General López – Constitución – Iriondo – Rosario – San Lorenzo

Santiago del Estero: Atamisqui – Banda – Capital – Choya – Loreto – Ojo de Agua – Robles – San Martín – Silípica – Guasayán – Jiménez – Río Hondo – Guasayán – Jiménez – Río Hondo – Aguirre – Avellaneda – Belgrano – General Taboada – Juan F. Ibarra – Miter – Quebrachos – Rivadavia – Salavina – Sarmiento

Recommendations during a Violet Warning

1- Drink plenty of hot liquid.
2- Reinforce hygiene rules to avoid the spread of diseases such as the flu.
3- Ventilate the environments of your home to avoid the inhalation of carbon monoxide.
4- Wear suitable clothing for low temperatures.
5- Stay informed by the authorities

Source: SMN

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