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Warning against rainbow bands

550 municipal employees of Gamle Oslo City Hall were advised to wear black key rings to work.

They are advised not to use the rainbow-colored keychains that were used during Pride earlier this fall. In a letter from the district Dagbladet saw, it is justified with certainty.

Tøyen Torg City Hall, east of Oslo, offers municipal services to residents of Old Oslo, which also covers Grønland, Kampen, Vålerenga and Helsfyr.

Labor Party and SV in borough react to recommendation.

Ap Agnes politician Nærland Viljugrein believes the justification she has received is not good enough.

REACTS: AP politician Agnes Nærland Viljugrein in Gamle Oslo. Photo: Labor Party
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– Why Old Oslo in particular? This is very jarring, Viljugrein tells Dagbladet. He is vice president and group leader of the district committee of Ap i Gamle Oslo.

– Significant exposure

According to the reason, there was a safety instruction from the district safety committee on November 1, which recommends employees to wear black key rings.

“It is also in these areas where we meet citizens that we need to appear uniform and professional. From time to time there is a great deal of exaggeration and it is the responsibility of the district manager to ensure that safety is adequate,” the district wrote in the letter.

The district manager writes here that he will ask the safety committee to reevaluate these rules and comply accordingly.

He has to take care of the employees

In Dagbladet, District Manager Tore Olsen Pran emphasizes that it is his responsibility to take care of employee safety.

– We didn’t say no to anything. We have accepted the standard collar, writes Pran in an email.

He says the safety committee didn’t consider the actual risk of wearing rainbow ribbons. They will.

– Citizens meet employees of our services such as NAV, Child Protection, Substance Abuse/Psychiatry etc. We must ensure that it is safe for employees to work and at the same time ensure that we provide good and fair services, she writes.

– Politics

He also emphasizes that citizens meeting at City Hall must meet with neutral professionalism and not the political preferences of the case manager.

– I personally strongly support the political struggle. The question is whether it should be done when leaving the private sphere. Do we take politics further into the administration or do we demonstrate service neutrality when meeting users? It is a central problem. I am open to discussing it, writes the district director to Dagbladet.

Dagbladet asked him to elaborate on what was really behind the decision, without receiving a response.

Pran writes that it has been recommended that employees wear one color of ribbons and visitors another.

– Synt

Labor politician Agnes Nærland Viljugrein wonders if the borough advises against rainbow-colored key rings because she believes queer expressions generally pose a security risk.

– I get angry and angry, especially on behalf of the employees. It must be extremely difficult to feel like you can’t be yourself at work, says Viljugrein.

– If there are real security issues behind it, should security come first?

– People’s safety must be taken care of precisely to allow people to be who they are. When Oslo was secured after the terrorist attack this summer, it was to guarantee the right to be who you are, not to say that you can never celebrate Pride again, replies Viljugrein.

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