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Warning against eating broccoli and berries .. “Corona” is the source of the danger

Corona virus Lives longer on foods with uneven surfaces such as broccoli and berries, compared to vegetables and soft-skinned fruits such as apple.

But the agency’s scientists stressed that the risks to consumers of eating broccoli and blueberries are still very low, according to a newspaper "Daily mail" British.

Virus contaminated food

  • Standards agency lab tests showed food British, that virus "SARS-CoV-2" Monitor food packaging, including fruit drinks Bottled, that people can put into their mouths without cooking or washing.
  • Results varied, with most of the foods tested showing significant decreases in virus contamination levels within the first 24 hours.
  • For the pepper and bread And meat and cheesesUnder some conditions, the infectious virus was detected for several days.
  • The virus has also been present for several hours on a surface croissants and decorated baked goods with chocolate.
  • Experts noted that food contaminated with the coronavirus was at low levels and would take a short time to drop to undetectable levels.
  • Experts confirmed their findings "Reinforces the need to follow strict guidelines on maintaining proper hygienic handling measures and displaying foods that are unpackaged or packaged".


Recent tests conducted by the agency have revealed this Corona virus Lives longer on foods with uneven surfaces such as broccoli and berries, compared to vegetables and soft-skinned fruits such as apple.

But the agency’s scientists stressed that the risks for consumers of eating broccoli and berries are still very low, according to the British Daily Mail.

Virus contaminated food

  • Standards agency lab tests showed food British, that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has been detected on packaging and food products, including fruit drinks Bottled, that people can put into their mouths without cooking or washing.
  • Results varied, with most of the foods tested showing significant decreases in virus contamination levels within the first 24 hours.
  • For the pepper and bread And meat and cheesesUnder some conditions, the infectious virus was detected for several days.
  • The virus has also been present for several hours on a surface croissants and decorated baked goods with chocolate.
  • Experts noted that food contaminated with the coronavirus was at low levels and would take a short time to drop to undetectable levels.
  • The experts stressed that their findings “reinforce the need to follow strict guidelines on maintaining proper hygienic handling measures and on displaying foods that are unpackaged or packaged.”

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