A gentle rinse
Idiots of the week
Studio Warner Bros. canceled another finished film. This time it is a hybrid film of Coyote vs. Acme, in which, in addition to the animated characters from Looney Tunes, John Cena was also supposed to star. Warners will get a $30 million tax write-off for it because they didn’t believe the movie would make a profit. Only problem? The film had a number of test screenings and the audience was enthusiastic about it. In addition, there were several big interested parties to buy it. In other words, Zaslav et al. rather they flushed down the toilet the work of hundreds of people, which according to all available information was really good, just to have short-term cashflow. The studio rightfully gets to eat it up days in a row, plus James Gunn was one of the producers on the movie, so people are speculating that if the studio can cancel him, what’s stopping Warners from canceling anyone else. And why would anyone volunteer to work for this company under such circumstances? I honestly don’t understand Zaslav’s short-sighted strategy, but as someone rightly pointed out – if the tie-breakers from the studio can’t even sell good movies anymore, maybe they should start looking for another type of work. Here it is anyway video by composer Steve Price.
Sketch of the week
With the end of the strike, the actors are returning not only to work on the sets, but also to TV shows like SNL, to get some promotion going again. This weekend, coincidentally, Timothée Chalamet appeared among the first, whose half-sung/half-rapped monologue and a bunch of other sketches can be found on YouTube, I decided to pull the continuation of one olderwhich captivates not only with its bizarre subject matter, but also with elaborate Terminator-like backdrops.
Announcement of the week
And speaking of the Terminator. Netflix has announced a new anime series from screenwriter Mattson Tomlin (Mother vs. Android, Batman: Doppelganger). What if it ends up being the most interesting sequel since T2.
Second announcement of the week
Netflix has been ramping up, so there have been a few more announcements this week. The latter presented this time short teaser to the new animated The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep, arriving late next year. And the interesting thing is that he will be dubbed by the guy from the games, while Yennefer will be dubbed by Anya Chalotra. Cool combo for me and I’m looking forward to it.
Game Critic of the Week
We got the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III, the development of which took only 16 months instead of the usual three years, and wow, it’s a mess. The single-player part in particular caught criticism (which has always worked fairly well so far), so if you’re wondering what’s wrong with it this time, the following video sums it up quite nicely.
Steal of the week
Doctor Who is one of the milestones of British television, but unfortunately the episodes of the series took up too much space in the 60s and 70s (don’t ask…), so the BBC dropped them. Some of the destroyed or discarded older episodes have since been recovered, but 97 are still missing. Now there could even be as few as 95 missing, as film collector John Franklin knows the location of the other two, but says their owners fear the episode will be returned from fear, that the BBC could sue them and they would be in trouble with the law. So hopefully it won’t be so hot and a compromise can be found.
Case of the week
Earlier in the week, we learned that Homer Simpson will no longer be strangling Bart because “times have changed.” At least that’s how it was reported by many movie and series servers. A few days later, however, one of the producers of the series published it picturein which Homer chokes Bart saying, “why you little clickbaiting-!!” So it was obviously taken out of context, and this old running gag will continue after all.
Advertisement of the week
It’s here folks, Christmas has officially begun as John Lewis has released a new advert, so get your tissues ready and the lights out before Mariah Carey comes haunting your home and there’s no escape.
Scam of the week
Do you want to be a millionaire in the world of 007? While the producers and rights holders of Bond struck a deal with Amazon, they didn’t give a nod to a bambilion TV spin-offs, so for now the studio, with its own streaming service, has had to settle for a show in which Brian Cox takes a few lucky participants around the world while they try get a million pounds. And how did the creators lure Cox himself into the role? It’s just that he thought the whole time that he was talking about a role in the new Bond movie. This is called bad luck.
Duel of the week
Mr. Hlad recently asked what game you think deserves to be made into a movie. You can go through the ideas here, we wrote our own wishlist here.
Today we look at Elon Musk. He will get a movie cameo from Darren Aronofsky, and I’m simply wondering who you think should play him. Write your ideas in the subject and elaborate in the text. I vote for Kathy Bates.
2023-11-12 11:00:00
#Weekend #Flush #Looney #Tunes #Terminator #Netflix #MovieZone.cz